

a person or thing which creates or constitutes a federation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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* Checkaccessrights ( ) method to check for the access policies for the data to be retrieved and accessed Facilitator: The moderator or federator to facilitate data retrieval from distributed heterogeneous data sources.
Pornind de la aceasta teorie aparent modesta, Saint-Simon angajeaza o noua atitudine ce va constitui filozofia noii elite conducatoare capabila sa formeze noile constinte si sa proiecteze temeiul federator al "noului crestinism".
Summary: To provide organizations with a foundation of trusted information for all their key business processes and decisions, SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) today announced enhancements to SAPA BusinessObjectsao Data Services and SAPA BusinessObjectsao Data Federator software, part of SAP BusinessObjects information management (IM) solutions.
To provide organisations with a foundation of trusted information for all their key business processes and decisions, has announced enhancements to SAP BusinessObjects Data Services and SAP BusinessObjects Data Federator software, part of SAP BusinessObjects information management (IM) solutions.
ISYS:web 9 also has capabilities such as: Intelligent query expansion; ContextCogs, snippets of relevant and contextual information pulled from third-party sources; Internet search engines or active directory contacts; Intelligence clouds, which allow efficient navigation of key information; Search form customisation; Index biasing; De-duplication, where identical documents are identified and removed or highlighted; ISYS:web federator; and exchange indexing.
Worldwide Computer Products News-14 October 2004-Verity to launch Verity Federator version 2.0.(C)1995-2004 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD http://www.m2.com
the Sabean King Karib'il Watar unified the major part of what is today Yemen: he was called "al Mukarrib", the federator. His reign inaugurated a period of Sabean hegemony which lasted several centuries, followed by a period of Qataban hegemony, and a brief Hadhrami period, at the turn of the Christian era.
It is difficult to analyze the ECJ's role as a federator without a definite road map outlining the shape of a federal Europe.
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