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ISYS Search Software launches ISYS:web 9.

TELECOMWORLDWIRE-11 November 2008-ISYS Search Software launches ISYS:web 9(C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD

ISYS Search Software, a supplier of information access and discovery solutions for mining intelligence and corporate knowledge, has announced its new search solution ISYS:web 9.

The company said ISYS:web 9 is suitable for intranets, websites, Microsoft SharePoint and custom web applications and its Intelligent Content Analysis highlights key content characteristics, such as metadata patterns and entities.

ISYS:web 9 also has capabilities such as: Intelligent query expansion; ContextCogs, snippets of relevant and contextual information pulled from third-party sources; Internet search engines or active directory contacts; Intelligence clouds, which allow efficient navigation of key information; Search form customisation; Index biasing; De-duplication, where identical documents are identified and removed or highlighted; ISYS:web federator; and exchange indexing.

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Date:Nov 11, 2008
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