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Publications in Telecommunications industry

1-26 out of 26 publication(s)
Publication Audience Format Latest Issue Articles
AI News Trade Newsletter Jan 1, 2018
AI Update Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
Audiotex Update Trade Newsletter Jul 1, 2017
Communications & Strategies Trade Magazine/Journal Oct 1, 2015
Communications News Trade Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2009
Customer Trade Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2017
Customer Interaction Solutions Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 2012
DigiWorld Economic Journal Communications & Strategies Trade Magazine/Journal Oct 1, 2017
Information World Review Trade Magazine/Journal Nov 1, 2010
  • Info junkie who just can't turn off: how do you fare in the web 2.0 world?
  • Share nicely for research to thrive: The Climategate affair has put a spotlight on the STM sector's research data responsibilities.
  • Geologists strike it rich: Elsevier's Geofacets puts maps and geo-content at scientists' fingertips.
  • Cambridge takes the e-book lead: in the e-book race, one of our oldest universities has its sights fixed firmly on the future.
  • So what's it worth, then? Valuation catalyst mines BvD's corporate databases to tell you.
  • Open up to the public: this year's hottest public sector topics are transparency, open data policies and delivering more for less, as Archana...
  • Keeper of the information kingdom: Oliver Morley, acting chief executive of the national archives, talks about the organisation's new open government...
  • The exhibitors at online information 2010.
  • How to work in the linked and social web: Peter Williams takes a sneak preview of what's on the agenda at online information 2010.
  • Web attitudes are strangling copyright: stricter laws demanded to counter assumptions that online content is or should be free.
  • Cloudmakers must banish fog: mobile devices, faster broadband, bespoke apps and cloud services have turned the dream of any time, any place access to...
  • BI back to manual handling: the inefficiency of business intelligence infrastructures and implementations is compromising the quality of corporate...
  • The finest face: Facebook shows the social web triumphant.
  • Lip service without the bite: governance is the word on everyone's lips, but the notion is toothless, says.
  • Free data and the austerity mindset: after the government's commitment to transparency survived the spending review unscathed, Tim Buckley Owen...
  • Mining the corporate gold: balancing competing demands is essential.
  • Take that! and that!
  • To infinity and beyond.
  • Library figures just the 'calm before the storm'.
  • Google escapes with wrist slap for street view breach.
  • 360
    International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications Academic Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2022
    Internet Business News Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 23, 2024
    Network World Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 23, 2024
    NTT Topics Trade Newsletter Oct 14, 2013
    Radio and Television Business Report (RBR+TVBR) Trade Newsletter Jul 23, 2024
    Radio Frequency Identification: What you should know General Pamphlet Mar 9, 2009
    RBOC Update Trade Newsletter Apr 1, 2015
    Rural Telecom Trade Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2019
    Rural Telecommunications Trade Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2018
    Tele-Service News Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    Telecom Update Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    Telecomworldwire Trade Newsletter Jul 23, 2024
    Telephone IP News Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024
    The Exchange Trade Newsletter Jun 1, 2011
    Video Age International Trade Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2024
    Worldwide Telecom Trade Newsletter Nov 1, 2014
    Worldwide Videotex Update Trade Newsletter Jun 18, 2024

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