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NICE ( has once again been recognized as the worldwide leader in contact center workforce optimization by DMG Consulting LLC. According to DMG's "Quality Management/Liability Recording (Workforce Optimization) Product and Market Report 2011-2012," NICE held 41,3 percent market share in the first half of 2011. "The workforce optimization market will remain strong for the next three years, with cloud-based WFO offerings on the rise," says Donna Russ, president of DMG Consulting. "The contact center segment of the WFO market showed a healthy growth rate of 7.9 percent between the first half of 2010 and 2011. NICE was the largest contributor to this growth." NICE offers a WFO contact center suite that contains 10 modules for recording, coaching, e-learning, performance management, surveying, speech analytics, workforce management, desktop analytics, text analytics and a WFO back-office suite.

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Publication:Customer Interaction Solutions
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Jul 1, 2012
Previous Article:OAISYS.
Next Article:Verizon Enterprise Solutions.

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