Federal Theater

Federal Theater

provided employment for actors, directors, writers, and scene designers (1935–1939). [Am. Hist.: NCE, 932]
See: Theater
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Reported The New York Times, Barber's father was the director of the New York unit of the Federal Theater Project and his mother, Doris Frankel, was a playwright and television writer.
My People's Theatre had just been published, with chapters on the Federal Theater, the Living, the Open, and Bread and Puppet.
Batiste includes a diversity of material in the category of "black performance." Her chapters examine a promotional film made for the black resort of Idlewild, Michigan; an inter- and intraracial melodrama by the bootstrap independent black film director Oscar Micheaux; a black-cast singing Western; the Federal Theater Project's "Negro Unit' productions of Macbeth, Haiti, and The Mikado; Katherine Dunham's choreography; an off-Hollywood B-movie called The Devil's Daughter that was filmed in Jamaica; and the Hollywood, all-star, black-cast musical Stormy Weather.
"Owners get a percentage of the box-office receipts, and if they think a show isn't going to make money, you aren't going to get that theater, even if you have the money," says Woodie King Jr., who in 1970 founded the New Federal Theater on New York's Lower East Side.
In it's roughly four year history the Federal Theater Project (FTP) produced as many as 1130 plays and brought new playwrights to the attention of the American public.
When presenting her thoughts on a federal theater in 1936 to a conference in Birmingham, Alabama, Flanagan had included Euripides' Trojan Women as part of her plans for a model program, but with Fascism and war taking hold in Europe, the tragedy had taken on an added urgency by 1938.
The approximately 400 alphabetical entries discuss important works of Wright, as well as such topics as Horatio Alger, James Baldwin, Black Marxism, Albert Camus, the Chicago school of sociology, the Federal Theater Project, Marcus Garvey, the Great Depression, the House Committee on Un- American Activities, lynching, Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Robeson, Seventh Day Adventism, John Steinbeck, and Emile Zola, to cite a few examples.
Here are the folks of the Federal Theater Project, the only time the U.S.
At my theater, New Federal Theater, we've had an unbelievable, spectacular two-year run, where we had Ntozake Shange doing a retrospective of her work, and a revival of Ed Bullins' The Taking, of Miss Janie.
Actors, painters, musicians and writers were employed through the Federal Theater Project, Art Project and the Writers Project.
In "Federal Theatre and Folksong" (1938), Halpert discusses the role of the Federal Theater National Service Bureau in collecting and promoting American-based song.

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