Federal Trade Commission

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Related to Federal Trade Commission: Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission Act

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

An independent federal agency consisting of a five-member board, whose goal is to create economic competition by promoting consumer protection and prevent illegal business practices. The FTC was created in 1914 to battle monopolisitc trusts, and has since been granted the abilities to prohibit anti-competitive and illegal business practices and enforce industry-wide regulations.
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Federal Trade Commission

A government organization with the responsibility of protecting consumers from predatory or unfair business practices. As such, it is responsible for the enforcement of antitrust laws, protecting against anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions. Citizens may complain to the Federal Trade Commission for perceived wrongdoings in the business practices of a company. While adjudicating these complaints takes time, the FTC provides a recourse against exploitation of the consumer.
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Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

A federal agency responsible for maintaining the competitive markets, thereby discouraging restraint of trade and monopoly. The clout and aggressiveness of the FTC vary greatly depending on its membership and the incumbent Presidential administration.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Created in 1914,the FTC (www.ftc.gov) was the successor to the old Bureau of Corporations. It was formed in response to widespread concerns about monopolies and their impact on consumers.

Today, it is comprised of three bureaus:

1. Bureau of Consumer Protection. Created to protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent practices. It enforces a variety of consumer protection laws enacted by Congress. It also maintains the consolidated consumer Web site (www.consumer.gov) with information and links to over 170 government agencies.

2. Bureau of Competition. The antitrust arm.

3. Bureau of Economics. Helps the FTC evaluate the economic impact of its various policies.

The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has said it has found no evidence that flavored malt beverages (FMBs), also known as malternatives, are being intentionally targeted at minors through products, packaging, or advertising.
Rather than issuing any slotting allowance guidelines at the present time, the Federal Trade Commission decided to "carefully review exclusive dealing contracts to determine whether they threaten a harm to competition." Copies of the workshop report are available from the FTC at 600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, DC 20580, USA.
District Court in Seattle by the Federal Trade Commission. Wade Cook Financial Corp.
The Federal Trade Commission's New Rule Will Protect Privacy of Children Online (October 20, 1999), states that the "Federal Register notice accompanying the rule makes clear that schools can act as parents' agents or as intermediaries between Web sites and parents in the notice and consent process" (paragraph 14).
To get these free publications, write to Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Response center, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580; or call (202) 382-4357.
Blackstone Capital Partners II Merchant Banking Fund LP will pay the maximum $2.8 million civil penalty, and fund general partner Howard Lipson agreed to pay $50,000, the first time an executive was held individually liable for violating Hart-Scott-Rodino, according to a statement issued by the Federal Trade Commission.
Nevertheless, activist groups, including the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, are awaiting a rifling front the Federal Trade Commission on its effort to slop production of the chip.
Federal Trade Commission. Threats to companies' reputations are an emerging problem fueled by disgruntled customers and blackmailers on the Internet.
But Nowicki, who has prepared several national studies on lemon laundering for the Federal Trade Commission, claims the Grays' case is typical: Sometimes dealers reduce the price on defective vehicles and disclose some of the problems.
Everyone from the Federal Trade Commission to the Direct Marketing Association to the Better Business Bureau holds that fine print is no magic elixir, it doesn't automatically exonerate a company for anything else it may say.
It also provides enforcement powers in the Federal Trade Commission and for attorney's fees and damages for violations.
This brochure is a joint publication of: The Federal Trade Commission The Pharmaceutical Advertising Council The U.S.

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