(redirected from Federal Tort Claims Act)
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FTCAFederal Tort Claims Act
FTCAFédération Tunisienne des Cinéastes Amateurs (French: Tunisian Federation of Amateur Filmmakers; Tunisia)
FTCAFederal Trade Commission Act
FTCAFilm, Theatre, and Communication Arts (University of New Orleans; New Orleans, LA)
FTCAFast-Track Cardiac Anesthesia
FTCAFood Technology for Companion Animals (University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Lincoln, NE)
FTCAFrench Central Technical Armament Establishment
FTCAFaculty of Taxation Consultants and Advisors (UK)
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References in periodicals archive ?
The focus of the analysis will be on the ability to litigate that duty of care under the Federal Tort Claims Act.
In the Federal Tort Claims Act, the federal government consented to being sued for the acts of its employees
statute converts such grievances into a Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)
Rouse drafted the initial Federal Tort Claims Act regulations.
* $10 million for the Department of Justice to carry out enforcement actions under the Oil Pollution Act and Clean Water Act, and defensive litigation under the Federal Tort Claims Act;
For the new edition, Palmer (of counsel, Yavitch & Palmer, Columbus, Ohio) has brought the material up to date to the end of the 2008-2009 term of the US Supreme Court and includes treatment of recent decisions concerning the burden of proof on prisoners pleading exhaustion of administrative remedies under the Prison Litigation Reform Act, limitations of the Federal Tort Claims Act involving prisoner claims of unlawful detention of property, and the authority of school officials to conduct warrantless strip searches of juveniles.
The district court dismissed the ATS, Geneva Conventions, and constitutional claims, concluding that the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), pursuant to the Westfall Act, provided the exclusive remedy for such official acts, and that the detainees had not exhausted their administrative remedies.
135 (1950).) This doctrine effectively denies servicemembers relief under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) for torts that occur in military communities.
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