FedCIRCFederal Computer Incident Response Center
FedCIRCFederal Computer Incident Response Capability
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In regard to critical infrastructure protection the act transferred the following agencies and offices to the new department: the NIPC (except for the Computer Investigations and Operations Section), CIAO, FedCIRC, the National Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC), (26) other energy security and assurance activities within DOE, and the National Communication System (NCS).27 These agencies and offices were integrated within the Directorate of Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (IA/IP) (one of four operational Directorates established by the act).
(14) FedCIRC was renamed the Federal Computer Incident Response Center and has since been absorbed into the Department of Homeland Security's National Cyber Security Division.
@ To read the FedCIRC paper, go to SM Online, click on "Beyond Print," and scroll down to this item in "Tech Talk."
The National Cyber Security Division was established within the Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (IA/IP) Directorate in June 2003, leveraging capabilities transferred to DHS by the Homeland Security Act of 2002, such as elements of the National Infrastructure Protection Center from the FBI and FedCIRC from the General Services Administration.
In regard to critical infrastructure protection the Act transfers the following agencies and offices: the NIPC (except for the Computer Investigations and Operations Section), CIAO, FedCIRC, the National Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC), (23) other energy security and assurance activities within DOE, and the National Communication System (NCS).
CIAO, FedCIRC, and NIASC are all relatively new organizations, with relatively narrow missions, and will be transferred fully to the new organization.
This function has now migrated over to the General Services Administration which has established a Federal Computer Incident and Emergency Response Capability (FedCIRC).
When the CSIRC detects an intrusion, does it first inform GSA's FedCIRC or the NIPC?
To what extent the Bush Administration commits to other critical infrastructure protection initiatives of the Clinton Administration, such as the scholarship for service program and other federal cyber service programs (see Appendix), FedCIRC, and research and development, also remains to be seen.