(redirected from Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights)
Category filter:
TCRT-Cell Receptor
TCRToyota Crown Royal (car)
TCRThe Colbert Report (TV show)
TCRTivoli Common Reporting (IBM)
TCRTotal Control Racing (toy)
TCRThe Chocolate Room
TCRTrue Capitalist Radio (formerly True Conservative Radio)
TCRTransient Climate Response (climate sensitivity)
TCRTheatre Cedar Rapids (Cedar Rapids, IA)
TCRTotal Coliform Rule (water quality)
TCRTest Constraints Review
TCRTime Created
TCRTrue Color Reproduction
TCRthe Common Rule
TCRTransit Control Record
TCRTechnical Committee Reference
TCRTest Command Response
TCRTransient Call Record
TCRTagged Cell Rate
TCRTeachers College Record
TCRThe Climate Registry
TCRTemperature Coefficient of Resistance
TCRTotal Capital Ratio (finance)
TCRThe Cub Reporter (Chicago Cubs blog)
TCRTranscription-Coupled Repair
TCRTrammell Crow Residential (Atlanta, GA)
TCRTotal Core Recovery (geology)
TCRTottenham Court Road (London, UK)
TCRTransmission Cost Recovery (utility cost; various locations)
TCRThyristor Controlled Reactor
TCRTrial Court Rules (various locations)
TCRTemperature Chart Recorder
TCRToner Cartridge Recycling
TCRTransmission Congestion Right (finance; Electric Reliability Council of Texas)
TCRTechnical Certification Requirements
TCRTurning Circle Radius
TCRTape Reconciliation of Checks
TCRTotal Case Rate (US OSHA)
TCRTexas Cancer Registry
TCRTagged Cell Rate (ATM)
TCRTransformer Characteristic Resistance (circuits)
TCRThe Common Review (publication)
TCRTask Change Request
TCRTarget-To-Clutter Ratio
TCRFederal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights
TCRTactical Control Radar
TCRTime Code Reading (video editing)
TCRTransfer-Cluster Restricted (ANSI)
TCRTelemetry, Command & Ranging
TCRTest Capabilities Revitalization
TCRTelephone Conversation Record
TCRTransport Connection Request
TCRTraffic Collision Report
TCRTraffic Control Radar
TCRTechnical Change Request
TCRToronto Chinese Radio (Toronto, Canada)
TCRTrihedral Corner Reflector
TCRTest Condition Requirements
TCRTechnical Cost Review
TCRTeam Celtic Racing
TCRTransmit Confirmation Report (fax machine)
TCRTwo-Color Refractometer
TCRTransit Conduct and Safety Regulations (Canada)
TCRTrailer Control Record
TCRTechnical Compliance Record
TCRTenant Cost Recovery
TCRTraffic Channel Recovery
TCRTransmission Current Range
TCRTraining Conference Review
TCRTransportation Corps Release
TCRTotal Conforming Rate
TCRTous Contre Le Racisme (French: All Against Racism)
TCRTime Critical Report
TCRTemperature Control Recirculator
TCRTrickle Charge Resistor
TCRTomahawk Computer Room
TCRThermal Control Receiver
TCRTruncated Cascade Recombination (solid state physics)
TCRTeacher's Diploma of the College of Radiographers
TCRToken Ring Copper Repeater (computer networking)
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