(redirected from Federal Unemployment Insurance)
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FUIFrance-UK (United Kingdom)-Ireland
FUIFonds Unique Interministériel (French: Single Interministerial Fund)
FUIFingerprint User Interface
FUIFramework User Interface
FUIFunctional User Interface
FUIFlexible User Interface
FUIFinal User Interface
FUIFarmers Union Insurance (various locations)
FUIFile Update Information
FUIFlying Under the Influence
FUIFinal Unit Indication
FUIFake User Interface (web advertising technique)
FUIFederal Unemployment Insurance
FUIFinal User Interface (model-driven development)
FUIFantasy User Interface
FUIFrequently Used Initials
FUIFacebooking under the Influence
FUIFamilies and Unrelated Individuals
FUIFollow Up Item
FUIFloating Under the Influence
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Canadian program is funded as part of the federal unemployment insurance program at 55 percent of insured earnings.
Employees cost to employer $14.89 Employer taxes Social Security/Medicare payroll tax 1.00 Worker's compensation .67 State unemployment insurance tax .11 Federal unemployment insurance tax .03 Total employer taxes $1.81 Employee gross earnings $13.08 Employee taxes Social Security/Medicare payroll tax 1.00 Federal income tax .98 State income tax .31 Total employee taxes $2.29 Government share $4.10 Employee take-home pay $10.79
As the fiscal agent, its job is to calculate, withhold, and file Social Security (Federal Insurance Contribution Act, or FICA) and Medicare taxes, federal and state unemployment taxes (Federal Unemployment Insurance Act, or FUTA, and State Unemployment Insurance Act, or SUTA), and other statutory benefits (e.g., state disability insurance and workers compensation insurance) and produce and distribute attendant payroll checks.
The Maryland Department of Economic and Employment Development may enter into or cooperate in arrangements with appropriate agencies of other States or the Federal Government under which Maryland may deduct from unemployment benefits any overpayments made under any Federal unemployment insurance program and under the interstate program.
Government purchases were revised down, reflecting definitional changes that imputed social insurance funds for military retirement and for Federal unemployment insurance for military personnel, as well as the improved deflation procedures.
Now some of those same Americans, and others not receiving food stamps, are facing an even more dire threat as congressional Republicans appear ready to allow an expanded federal unemployment insurance program to expire on Dec.
Annual pay data is compiled from reports submitted by employers subject to state and federal unemployment insurance laws, covering more than 124 million full- and part-time workers.
* Pay state and federal unemployment insurance, file reports and respond to workers' compensation hearings and reviews.
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