FEDLFlashlamp-Excited Dye Laser
FEDLFailed Element Detection Location
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(90) His dismay over the prospect of judicial supremacy is reflected in his 1788 Observations on Jefferson's Draft Constitution for Virginia, in which he wrote as follows: (91) In the State Constitutions & indeed in the Fedl. one also, no provision is made for the case of a disagreement in expounding them; and as the Courts are generally the last in making their decision, it results to them, by refusing or not refusing to execute a law, to stamp it with its final character.
The B.of Manassas took place on the 21st July & while a large portion of the Fedl. Army were disbanded after that date and of course were only gradually replaced, the Confederate Troops who fought that day as raw recruits have been constantly drilled, have performed for 3 months all the duties of an army before the enemy & are to this day animated by the recollection of this victory.