federally chartered banks

federally chartered banks

Financial institutions authorized and regulated by the federal government rather than the state government.They have the word “national”in their name, or the initials “N.A.” at the end. Supervision is by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) at www.occ.treas.gov.

The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The ranks of federally chartered banks in Arkansas are whittling down.
Parrish said few state and federally chartered banks were providing services to cannabis customers.
US president Donald Trump is to nominate Joseph Otting to a post that would see him overseeing federally chartered banks.
There is extensive oversight for federally chartered banks. What are the candidates' plans regarding the oversight of community and local banks?
With the National Bank Act, federally chartered banks were introduced.
What's the difference between state and federally chartered banks? The short answer is that the charter holder is the supervisor of the bank.
The Board seeks to retain existing state chartered banks while encouraging federally chartered banks to become state charters.
If the bill passes, there would be three sets of rules: a federal cap for large national banks, a state cap for small state-chartered banks, and no cap at all for smaller federally chartered banks.
One of the rationales for federal banking law preempting state banking law is that states might otherwise impose laws that put federally chartered banks at a competitive disadvantage.

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