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1. of or relating to a form of government or a country in which power is divided between one central and several regional governments
2. of or relating to a treaty between provinces, states, etc., that establishes a political unit in which power is so divided
3. of or relating to the central government of a federation
4. (of a university) comprised of relatively independent colleges
5. a supporter of federal union or federation


1. characteristic of or supporting the Union government during the American Civil War
2. a supporter of the Union government during the American Civil War
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
XII of RBH 15 is the compromise solution because it offers a gradual and progressive system for federalizing the regions,"Veloso said.
Lopez was referring to the string of statements issued by local business groups calling on legislators to carefully review the financial burden of federalizing the country.
He concludes with seven key recommendations for Iraqi government policy: passing the (privatizing) oil laws proposed by the US-backed cabinet back in 2007, developing and executing an anti-corruption strategy, regulatory reform to reduce hostility towards private business, directing educational resources towards primary education and literacy, financial liberalization, water pricing, and federalizing oil revenues and economic regulatory matters.
"Our position is that no successful and diverse industry is improved by federalizing important aspects of it."
For example, Rosen casts Thomas Jefferson as John Marshall's aloof and abstracted executive-branch foil, arguing that Jefferson's overcommitment to states' rights led him to flail ineffectively at Marshall's federalizing jurisprudence.
Two months after the attack, Representative Maxine Waters (DCA) accused those who would not immediately agree "to federalize those screeners" of "playing with people's lives." Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) said: "Only by federalizing screeners can the American public be assured that cost-cutting will not occur to the detriment of their safety."
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, a Republican, said, "The idea of federalizing yet another function of government in America is a, the wrong direction, and b, counterproductive." He failed to mention that it was also unconstitutional.
Conference of Mayors, National Association of Counties and National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors, expressed concern that the bill threatens local franchise authority as currently written--and, in fact, could have the effect of "federalizing" local video franchising because of the unreasonable timeframe it sets for local action on applications from potential service providers.

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