(redirected from Federally Qualified Health Centers)
FHCQFoundation for Health Care Quality
FHCQFederally Qualified Health Centers (CMMS)
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Outcomes of every Federally Qualified Health Centers in the United States are available at bphc.hrsa.gov.
Rob Standridge, R-Norman, expressed concerns about federally qualified health centers leveraging financial advantages they already have over competitors to "run competitors out of business." Murdock responded that he wasn't aware of that happening in more urban areas but that health centers he knows about in rural counties are in trouble.
(2013), "Access to Oral Health Care: The Role of Federally Qualified Health Centers in Addressing Disparities and Expanding Access," American Journal of Public Health 103(3): 488-493.
1 Planned Parenthood sites are more likely than others to take steps to facilitate contraceptive method choice and uptake Full range of methods offered Planned Parenthood 93% Health departments 61% Federally qualified health centers 52% Same-day IUD/implant insertion Planned Parenthood 81% Health departments 29% Federally qualified health centers 25% Pills dispensed on-site Planned Parenthood 83% Health departments 76% Federally qualified health centers 34% Source: Guttmacher Institute.
Su Clinica Familiar, Legacy and El Centro de Corazon are three of Texas' more than 70 Federally Qualified Health Centers, which are financed by a hodgepodge of federal and state grants, public insurance programs like Medicaid and Medicare, and in some cases local funding.
She and Smithwick said they hope other South Carolina health groups use the radionovelas from Pasos, which also has regional sites at hospitals and federally qualified health centers.
This grew into other meetings that included local hospitals, federally qualified health centers, physicians, and health plans to address the unique and complex needs of this community, which we will continue to do.
The review of articles from the NNCC website suggested four separate funding sources to guide the study: (a) affiliated with a university; (b) federally qualified health centers (FQHC); (c) grant funded as a NMHC, according to the definition in the ACA; and (d) combination of grant funding and fee-for-service (see Table 2).
1881 would strip taxpayer support of PPFA and makes the funds available to other eligible entities to provide women's health care services, notably Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC).
The Action for Dental Health Act (HR 4395) would provide grants to support programs such as expanding care for the elderly in nursing homes, encouraging dentists to contract with Federally Qualified Health Centers, increasing health protections and simplifying administration under Medicaid, expanding community water fluoridation, increasing the number of Community Dental Health Coordinators and strengthening collaborations with other health professionals and organizations.
Morgan Stanley will use the money to expand its existing community revitalisation programmes, which provide financing for Federally Qualified Health Centers and small businesses across the United States and support the creation of new jobs.
The agency also set a minimum threshold for including "essential community providers," those providers who traditionally treat low-income patients or work in physician shortage areas, such as federally qualified health centers. In 2015, plans must include in their networks at least 30% of available essential community providers in their service area.
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