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the state of being under federal control

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the act of being put under federal control

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References in periodicals archive ?
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko repeatedly stated he opposed federalization. In his words, "it has no grounds in Ukraine".
As in the proposed shift to federalization, the prospective delegates will also present to the public their platforms on political dynasties.
"The federalization of Macedonia should be regarded like this: Northwest Albanian Macedonia (Canton of the Albanians), Southeast (Slavic-Macedonian Canton)", explained Xhemaili.
Otherwise, federalization may not produce the outcomes many Filipinos are so excited about right now.
"The fiscal decentralization or the standardization of the Albanian language are not an argument for federalization, when the entire Southeast Europe is democratic.
"The Russian president welcomes the first contacts between Kiev and federalization supporters aimed at establishing a direct dialogue that must involve all the concerned parties," Interfax reported.
Responding to newer national concerns, the Texas GOP platform called for arming pilots, defining marriage as "a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between a man and a woman," barring the presentation of homosexuality as "an acceptable 'alternative' lifestyle," respecting the sanctity of life "from conception to natural death," phasing out Social Security, opening up the Alaskan National Wildlife Range for energy production, and resisting "the federalization and militarization of local police forces."
A big and unitary government, like the present, is hard to oversee, audit and check, so federalization will divide that wealth and it will be easier to check for any corrupt practices.
Experts stress that SDSM's only option to survive this collapse and the eliminate the possibility to lose the April elections, is federalization. Some time ago, journalist Branko Geroski published an open call for federalization of Macedonia in his newspaper article, which according to experts is a direct attack of the Constitution and mirrors the situation in the opposition.
Eyewitnesses claimed there was a fight between national coalition and supporters of federalization. "One of the militia Alexander Mozhaev nicknamed Babai was seriously wounded and taken to the hospital of the city,' the report added.
ySTANBUL (CyHAN)- Police have taken control of the city council building in southeastern Ukraine's Mariupol, previously controlled by federalization supporters, Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said Thursday.
said the federal system that the Philippines will adopt will need 'fine-tuning,' a euphemism that there will be problems ('Federalization not a panacea, Opinion, 8/4/16).