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Synonyms for federalisation

the state of being under federal control

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the act of being put under federal control

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References in periodicals archive ?
Vadim Kozyulin, a senior research fellow at the PIR Centre, a Moscow-based independent think-tank, in a comment to RBTH, argues that, if the federalisation scenario unravels in the long run, Russia has nothing to lose but can count certain gains.
Since then federalisation has proceeded apace and most Spaniards see themselves as Spanish and as part of their own region.
Its presence is a result of the federalisation of Belgium, and the Walloon Region's public commitment to independence, to local ecology and to economic prosperity.
Anglesey's 15-year plan to transform education will involve school closures, mergers and federalisation.
Some have responsibility for more than one school as many local authorities increasingly move to a federalisation of schools.
SCHOOLS earmarked for federalisation in Gwynedd will have to wait another year to know their fate.
The union, which represents nearly 12,000 pilots with American Airlines, has praised the Airport Security Federalisation Act of 2001 but called for a more firm approach with regard to firearms for pilots.
SCHOOLS earmarked for federalisation across Gwynedd will have to wait another year to know their fate.
Ms Ryder added that federalisation - where merged schools are run separately but retain their various sites - was one potential solution, but its success remained to be seen.