Federal Security Service

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the internal counterintelligence agency of the Russian Federation and successor to the Soviet KGB

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References in periodicals archive ?
The Federal Security Service asked the Russian and international community for assistance in search for the terrorists.
The Federal Security Service, the KGB's main successor, said that Lt Col Vladimir Nesterets had pleaded guilty to charges of passing classified data about missile tests to the CIA for money.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, the KGB's domestic security beat was turned over to the innocuous-sounding Federal Security Service (FSB).
Federal prosecutors Charles Gorder and Chris Cardani met with agents from Russia's Federal Security Service in December and gave them copies of computer hard drives from Al Haramain, the Oregonian daily reported.
The Federal Security Service said that Ilya Zaslavsky was employed by TNK-BP, which is half owned by British Petroleum.
The Federal Security Service, the main KGB successor agency known under its Russian acronym FSB, said last night the two men, who have Russian-US dual citizenship, were detained on March 12 and released the same day on condition they remained in the country.
According to Litvinenko, as reported in the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita, on July 17, "Ayman al-Zawahiri trained at a Federal Security Service (FSB, former KGB) base in Dagestan in 1998." "He was then transferred to Afghanistan," the defector says, "where he became Osama bin Laden's deputy."
A duty officer at the Federal Security Service said the unidentified man was stopped by Moscow police around 1am.
Since May 2000 the head of the Federal Security Service (FSB), which is the domestic successor to the KGB, Patrushev has worked closely with Putin and Ivanov for the secret service.
The Federal Security Service, the main successor to the Soviet-era KGB, confirmed reports on Russian news agencies that quoted agency spokesman Sergei Ignatchenko as saying that "preliminary analysis indicates it was hexogen".
The Federal Security Service confirmed reports that quoted agency spokesman Sergei Ignatchenko as saying that ``preliminary analysis indicates it was hexogen''.
The Russian Federal Security Service FSB has seized a shipment of books that allegedly reveal state secrets about the service.
A special team of the Federal Security Service (FSB) discover explosive devices late at night in the village of Tolstopaltsevo, 30 km south-west of Moscow.
Russia has refused entry to 16 members of the Tokyo-based AUM Shinrikyo religious cult this year, Federal Security Service (FSB) head Nikolay Patrushev said Tuesday, according to Interfax news agency.
The official literature of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) now openly treats the Soviet-era KGB as a respectable, if imperfect, predecessor.
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