Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

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Is it true that 150 meters are gone into Macedonian territory and if so, hasn't the Agreement on Border crossing with Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 2001 now located in the UN, been violated?
Belgrade contended that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the name by which the federated state was formerly known, had not been a member of the UN nor a party to its convention on the prevention of genocide on the date Croatia's complaint was filed.
The Tito Stone was erected in memory of Josip Broz Tito, who was the leader of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1945 until his death in 1980, at the age of 88.
However, the Nato attack on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999 was roundly applauded for forcing Slobodan Milosevic to accept terms which ended the conflict in Kosovo.
Her predictions have materialized inasmuch as several new commissions have been established since the publication of the book, in Serbia and Montenegro (formerly the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), East Timor, Ghana and Sierra Leone, among others.
On what grounds were the internal federal borders of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Macedonia deemed sacrosanct, effectively trumping any claim to revision from within, when these same republics had themselves, by their actions, called into question and radically transformed the borders of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ("SFRY")?
As the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia became a new member of the United Nations on 1 November 2000, it follows that it was not a member before that date.
Following the 1999 NATO bombardment against Serbia, the larger republic in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which also includes Montenegro, the U.N.
The foreign minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Goran Svilanovic, arrived in Finland yesterday (25 February) for a two-day visit.
The volume contains an overview of higher education governing structures on countries participating in the project: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
The breakup of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the early nineties provided NATO with a new mission -- that of peacekeeping.
* For fiscal year 2002, the SEED request includes $145 million for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. These funds will be used in both the Republics of Serbia and Montenegro to support economic reform and promote democracy and civil society by assisting judicial reform, independent media, non-government organizations, and local government.
106-21), on the tax treatment of certain military personnel and civilian employees in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Albania, the Adriatic Sea and the northern Ionian Sea above the 39th parallel.
During the Bosnian conflict, for instance, a six-nation Contact Group, (31) prompted the Security Council to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. (32) Subsequently, the Contact Group agreed to impose, monitor and coordinate a freeze on the assets of the Yugoslavian and Serbian governments.
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