Federal Reserve Board

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the seven-member board governing the Federal Reserve System

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The Federal Reserve Board has approved actions on Thursday by the Boards of Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, New York, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Minneapolis, and Kansas City, decreasing the discount rate (the primary credit rate) at the Banks from 3 percent to 2-3/4 percent, effective immediately.
* Ryan Monarch, Federal Reserve Board, "It's Not You, It's Me: Breakups in U.S.-China Trade Relationships"
The Federal Reserve Board said it does not object to the proposed 2013 capital distribution plan.
On numerous occasions in 2008 and 2009, the Federal Reserve Board invoked emergency authority under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to authorize new broad-based programs and financial assistance to individual institutions to stabilize financial markets.
While the Federal Reserve Board is "well suited" to the task of being the consolidated supervisor for systemically important nonbanks, a system for resolving large, troubled nonbanks such as insurers "analogous to the regime currently used by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation" is also needed, he said.
And former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan was calling it a "conundrum," Davis observes.
Brimmer, the first African American governor at the Federal Reserve Board.
The Federal Reserve Board reported in the fourth quarter that commercial real estate markets were strengthening in many districts.
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan named on August 17, 2005, Governor Donald L.
FACTA, which was enacted on December 4, 2003, amends the FCRA and directs the FTC, the Federal Reserve Board, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Office of Thrift Supervision, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to cooperate to adopt comparable and consistent rules regarding the disposal of sensitive consumer report information.
The brochures are available on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors' Web site.
The Federal Reserve Board is conducting a survey on small businesses' use of credit.
Nearly everyone, it seems, agrees that the United States would have been better off if it had legislated, regulated, or, via Federal Reserve Board restraint, orchestrated a much earlier end to 1990s exuberance.
In "Deflating the Deflation Myth" (June 30th issue) you left out the most important point: There is no authorization for a Federal Reserve Board in the Constitution.
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