fee tail

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Related to fee tail: fee simple, life estate
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a fee limited to a particular line of heirs

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References in periodicals archive ?
Understood this way, citizenship simply is not analogous to the fee tail. Whereas the fee tail confers a static inheritance, citizenship is a dynamic process with reciprocal duties and obligations.
However, even assuming that the fee tail is akin to birthright citizenship, it does not follow that birthright citizenship should rejected.
According to English law which became fully operative in New South Wales following the passage of the Australian Courts Act 1828, an estate in fee tail was far different from an estate in fee simple.
Such freedom of disposition was not available to tenants of estates in fee tail. Although the tenant could alienate the land through inter vivos arrangements, such arrangements could not extend beyond his or her own life, so to sell the land outright was not permissible.
There is no doubt that many tenants in fee tail in the middle ages, as later, were dissatisfied with their lot, and that a great deal of legal ingenuity went into helping them circumvent the wishes of their ancestors.