feed upon

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Synonyms for feed upon

be sustained by

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References in periodicals archive ?
They feed upon a wide variety of prey including dolphins and porpoises, sharks and rays, large whales, cephalopods (octopods and squids), seabirds and various fish species.
Borrowing his words: Today everything comes under the laws of competition and survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless.
Worryingly it also may well be that the disinfecting solutions we rely upon are not as effective as we think particularly against some strains of Pseudomonas which Acanthamoebae feed upon.
Preliminary results support negative phototaxis, a potential adaptation to target (and eventually adhere to) the underside of submerged surfaces where rotifers that Sommerstorffia must feed upon are known to graze.
If we do not do it as a global entity the monster will feed upon the weak.
The freshwater turtles are found in the entire Indus river system, which proves to be beneficial for the ecosystem, as they feed upon dead organic material, diseased fish and clean up the water resources.
As time passes, the death toll mounts, and paranoia begins feed upon each of the desperate girls.
The most important thing that can be done to help conserve our biodiversity is to provide more flowers, seeds and insects for them to feed upon. That involves allowing more plants in our parks, road verges and open spaces that can be used by bumblebees and butterflies for food.
The most important thing that can be done to help conserve our biodiversity is to provide more flowers, seeds and insects for them to feed upon. This may involve restoring habitats to conditions that allow more wildflower meadows to grow.
The others generally feed upon broken grains, particularly the finer particles.
As they train for the final battle, the rest of the humans have been corralled into Edens, where they can live in relative normalcy while the angels feed upon them.
In the text, Francis denounced trickle-down economic theories as unproven and naive, saying they are based on a survival of the fittest mentality "where the powerful feed upon the powerless'' with no regard for ethics, the environment or even God.
This time last year cod to 8.5lb were being taken and sea anglers are again expecting good catches going by the high numbers of whiting that they feed upon which have joined us in the river.
Irrelevance--since the reference point of most individual games is remote and statistical--always threatens its interest, which can be maintained not by the occasional heroics that sportswriters feed upon but by players who always care; who care, that is to say, about themselves and their art."