feedback circuit

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a circuit that feeds back some of the output to the input of a system

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References in periodicals archive ?
Figure 10 shows the noise characteristics of the hybrid frequency synthesizer in the presence (dotted curves) and the absence (continuouscurves) of the ACPD circuit of the DDS as the reference oscillator of the PLL, in Figure 11 for the circuit with the DDS as a frequency divider in the feedback circuit of the PLL, and in Figure 12 for the circuit with the DDS as the support oscillator of the PLL.
Finally, the calculated compensation voltage is converted into the corresponding compensation current through the feedback circuit as shown in Figure 5, and the reversing field that compensates the environmental magnetic field is generated in the feedback coils.
These current sources comprise a feedback circuits to compare real welding current and its reference value [2]-[4].
The negative resistance of the positive feedback circuit to compensate resistive losses of an inductor could result in potential instability depending on the [g.sub.m], power consumption, and the terminating impedances.
Electrometers use a feedback circuit to measure charge, as shown here.
A feedback circuit such as this one really needs to be designed by separating the forward and feedback networks so the effect of each can be better understood.
The PVM- 740 monitor is also equipped with Sony's feedback circuit, which works to monitor the light output and feedback information to ensure precise white balance.
In this instance, Tudor sent the resulting sounds out to various objects (the score calls for eight), on which he placed contact microphones, so that they too became part of the feedback circuit. A fascinating recording exists of this version, as realized by Tudor and Mumma in the orchestra pit during a Cunningham company performance in Rio de Janeiro that year.
A feedback circuit is established between the two cells.
The common-mode feedback circuit sets the common-mode output voltage.
[[alpha].sub.1] = insertion loss coefficient of feedback circuit (including the directional coupler, attenuator and phase shifter)
The system is a Mach-Zehnder, homodyne-type optical fiber laser interferometer with a phase compensation feedback circuit. The phase compensation was given by a piezo-actuator, which can maintain the system at being quadurature condition.
The signal power can vary as a result of the feedback circuit and reflected signal interactions.
To ensure that process commands are accurately met, an optional closed-loop feedback circuit is available.