feed grain

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grain grown for cattle feed

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References in periodicals archive ?
A US government report said feed grain prices increased by 30 percent (corn) to 91 percent (feed barley) in the last month due to significant losses in feed grain and in other fodder crops such as grass and pasture crops in the drought affected provinces.
meters in subsidies to rice farmers shifting toward wheat, soybeans and feed grains, compared with the 67,000 yen rice farmers currently get in subsidies.
On the average, less than 3 kg of feed grain are required to produce a kilo of livestock meat and less than a kilo of feed grain per kg of milk.
Restrictions on exports might even mean that high-quality malting barley has to be down-graded and sold as feed grain in order to find a home for it.
If you feed grain in the litter, you should pick up a handful of litter once in a while and examine it for grain.
Since the protein content of some feed grains is higher than others, home-steaders will need to keep that fact in mind.
A: Feed grain is produced using large quantities of fertilizer in giant fields where you often have soil erosion and groundwater contamination.
feed grain exports, with corn exports projected to reach 5.5 millionmetric tons (216.5 million bushels)in 2020 and 7.8 million tons (307million bushels) in 2030.
The report went on to say that experts estimate the shortage of feed grain in these provinces at 7 to 8 MMT.
feed grain exports, with corn exports projected to reach 5.5 million metric tons (216.5 million bushels)in 2020 and 7.8 million tons (307million bushels) in 2030.
Further, in an attempt to encourage farmers to redeem their loans and market the commodity, the act provides for a new feature referred to as a "marketing loan.' If the prevailing world market price is no more than 30 percent lower than the formula loan rate, producers may be permitted to repay wheat and feed grain loans at a rate equal to that world market price.
commodities--taking 51 percent of citrus exports, 29 percent of feed grain exports, and 34 percent of meat exports in 1991," says Coyle.
prospects extend beyond feed grain. While QPM won't do much about the high fat content of many snack foods, it does offer one way to naturally fortify them, according to Texas A&M cereal chemist Ralph Waniska.