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One who believes in or advocates a political system in which the central government has certain, enumerated powers, and other government responsibilities are delegated to lower levels of government. For example, a federalist system may designate the central government to handle monetary policy and foreign affairs, but delegate most other matters to the provinces or states.
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The montagnard representatives-on-mission who carried out the repression were less responsive to popular will than the federalist government and in the end did not succeed in preventing the propertied elites of Lyon from reclaiming the political supremacy to which they felt the revolutionary order entitled them.
GATHERING SUPPORT - The Duterte administration has stepped up its efforts to introduce amendments to the Constitution that will pave the way for a shift to a federalist government. (Jansen Romero / MANILA BULLETIN FILE PHOTO)
While most the exclusive functions of the subnational government are already being financed currently through the Local Government Code provisions concerning devolved services and the IRA, she said the shared functions under a federalist government may prove to be 'costly.'
In their joint statement, MBC, Finex and MAP did not say whether a federalist government would lead to economic benefits.