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A political system in which the central government has certain, enumerated powers, and other government responsibilities are delegated to lower levels of government. For example, a federalist system may designate the central government to handle monetary policy and foreign affairs, but delegate most other matters to the provinces or states. Examples of federalist countries include the United States and Canada.
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'This will culminate in a national meeting of all groups advocating federalism to come up with a common stand,' he said.
Isn't greater power and autonomy for local governments the very purpose of federalism?
However, the President was silent about SOT and federalism during his fourth State of the Nation Address last month.
The 'never say die group' contended that the President emphasized in his post-SONA media conference that he is not giving up federalism. There are just some things to be ironed out before making everything public.
In an interview after his Sona, the President said he was still for federalism but he thought it would happen after his term.
International debt watcher Moody's Investors Service also cautioned that federalism could present downside risksto the country's institutional and fiscal profile.
The Aare Ona Kakanfo said it could now be seen with the new situation that President Buhari had an idea of what the citizens had been saying all these days about true federalism and restructuring, contending that through practice of true federalism, all the regions would develop at their own pace, while every other issue, including security, power, and health would be taken care of at the state level.
Neither the SPLM nor the other political parties and organisations have the mandate to determine and impose federalism on South Sudanese people.
Topics touch upon a broad range of fields and issues, from federalism and democracy, and theology and identity, to case studies on Cyprus, Spain and comparative Canadian-Australian federalism.
Nationalists, of course, have long been skeptical of conventional accounts of federalism. But, as the work here shows, those accounts no longer describe vast swaths of "Our Federalism." It's time for the nationalists, who have often rebuked federalism's proponents for being behind the times, to catch up to today s realities.
Hajjar told Al Masder daily that he recommends taking "gradual" and " deliberate" steps towards federalism. Hajjar also said the multi-regions system would encounter some economic obstacles such as limited financial resources in some regions and the lack of well-qualified cadres who are able to take responsibility for governing the regions.