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PLLO chief: SOT bill, despite Duterte veto, is still a priority bill of the government.

The Security of Tenure (SOT) bill has just been included in the list of priority measures of the President for the 18th Congress, according to Presidential Legislative Liaison Office Chief Adelino B. Sitoy.

This, after Senate President Vicente Sotto III and Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri claimed that the SOT bill was not included among the 22 priority measures.

The Senate leaders issued the statement after the pre-meeting of the Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council on Monday.

When asked to confirm the senators' claim on SOT bill's non-inclusion among the priority bills list, Sitoy said in a phone patch interview with reporters: 'Ngayon, ngayon. Priority na namin.'

To recall, the President vetoed the SOT bill since it expanded the definition of labor-only contracting, which could lead to labor displacement.

The President's veto drew flak among labor groups while lawmakers expressed disappointment over Duterte's decision to veto the bill he himself certified as urgent.

Meanwhile, Sitoy also said federalism was not included among the priority bills of the President.

He also said it was not discussed during the meeting.

'None,' he said when asked if federalism was included in the list.

Federalism was included in both the President's Legislative Agenda and the Common Legislative Agenda for the 17th Congressing contractualization and federalism are both campaign promises of President Duterte.

However, the President was silent about SOT and federalism during his fourth State of the Nation Address last month.

Among the President's priority bills include coco levy bill, National Land Use Act and the revival of mandatory Reserve Officers' Training Corps.

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Publication:Business Mirror (Makati City, Philippines)
Date:Aug 5, 2019
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