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Relating to the general government or union of the states; based upon, or created pursuant to, the laws of the Constitution of the United States.

The United States has traditionally been named a federal government in most political and judicial writings. The term federal has not been prescribed by any definite authority but is used to express a broad opinion concerning the nature of the form of government.

A recent tendency has been to use the term national in place of federal to denote the government of the Union. Neither settles any question regarding the nature of authority of the government.

The term federal is generally considered to be more appropriate if the government is to be viewed as a union of the states. National is used to reflect the view that individual state governments and the Union as a whole are two distinct and separate systems, each of which is established directly by the population for local and national purposes, respectively.

In a more general sense, federal is ordinarily used to refer to a league or compact between two or more states to become joined under one central government.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
When the screeners were first federalized under the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001, five airports were allowed to stay with private screening through a pilot program.
ISLAMABAD: National Highway Authority (NHA) has been working on improvement and upgradation of toll plazas on federalized highways and motorways network.
ISLAMABAD -- National Highway Authority (NHA) has taken initiative for improvement and upgradation of toll plazas on federalized highways and motorways network and so far 21 plazas have been upgraded.
The decisive call of the President to the country's political leaders to shift to federalism prompted the legislature to consider convening itself into a constituent assembly to revise the 1987 Constitution, to pave the way for a federalized structure of government.
Kidapawan City - Promoters of federalism, backed by thousands of new recruits, converged here on Friday to push for an end to the rule of "Imperial Manila," warning that a failure in the campaign for a shift towards federalized government could lead to the revival of the Mindanao Independence Movement (MIM).
In most federalized nations, the power of the purse is at the command of each federal state.
It is worth mentioning that this road was federalized in 2010 and declared a national highway.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov assured that Moscow has no intention to cross over the Ukrainian border, saying that there is no other path for Ukraine but to be federalized.
The article by Rebecca Terrell entitled "Federalized Farming" (July 9 issue), which showed how and why the USDA began and how it morphed into the agency it is today, should have also pointed out that the Department of Agriculture (USDA), created by Lincoln in 1862 and expanded by Franklin D.
aviation industry's mandated switch to a federalized screening force after 9-11 got a lot of attention.
The interim constitution they announced in Baghdad after three exhausting days of negotiations offers a plausible framework for a democratic and federalized Iraq that defines itself as an Islamic country but embraces political and religious freedom.

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