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It is important to continue to fund and expand the work of the Female Genital Mutilation Initiative.
What efforts are being made to eliminate female genital mutilation through means of U.S.
A safer alternative to traditional female genital mutilation has been used for many years in some African countries.
Countries that have succeeded in lowering the rate of female genital mutilation, like Senegal, have used varied methods: Alternative rites of passage into womanhood, campaigns in which brides and bridegrooms state that they both reject the custom, and the involvement of clerics and priests.
(Esnow, Aslanger, okofonofva, oronsay and Waker, female genital mutilation as defined by the World Health Organization Include all the ways that lead to the damage or removal of part or all of the female genital system Non-medical purposes is based on cultural or other reasons.
Female genital mutilation has been illegal in the UK since 1985, with the law being strengthened in 2003 to prevent girls traveling from the UK and undergoing FGM abroad.
The challenge, with the theme, 'Female Genital Mutilation: Myth, Pain and the way out,' was taken to St Anne's School, People Girls Grammar School, Yejide Grammar School, Queens School, St Theresa's College, St Claire's Girls High School and Our Lady of Apostles Grammar School.
A WOMAN former minister praised an MP who blocked bids to outlaw photographing up skirts and female genital mutilation.
Tlaib thinks she's here in our House to represent Ramallah, Omar thinks we brought her over from Somalia to introduce their customs of piracy, intolerance, anti-Semitism and female genital mutilation,
The female traditional leader also disagrees with some partners who say that Gender - based Violence and FGM Law will not be passed unless the portion of the Law that calls for an end to female genital mutilation is removed from the Act.
[USA], Feb 7 (ANI): United Nations Secretary-General AntEaAnio Guterres on Wednesday called for a collaborative global action against the female genital mutilation, an abhorrent human rights violation affecting women and girls around the world.