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Total relinquishment and transfer of all rights of ownership in land from one individual to another.

A feoffment in old England was a transfer of property that gave the new owner the right to sell the land as well as the right to pass it on to his heirs.

An essential element of feoffment was livery of seisin, a ceremony for transferring the possession of real property from one person to another.

Feoffment is also known as enfeoffment.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
En esta direccion, feoffment use son dos palabras de contenido juridico medieval diverso y significativo.
Es por ello que feoffment to usesmedieval se aproximo, o se nutrio de la naturaleza juridica del fideicomiso y creo "de nuevo' el triangulo juridico magico de las relaciones fiduciarias (incluso si el feoffor to use se hubiese constituido en cestui):
W., The Franciscan friars, the feoffment to uses, and canonical theories of property enjoyment before 1535, The Journal of Legal History 10 (1989) 1-22.
DeVine, The Franciscan friars, the feoffment to uses, and canonical theories of property enjoyment before 1535, The Journal of Legal History 10 (1989) 1-22.