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An individual who commits a crime of a serious nature, such as Burglary or murder. A person who commits a felony.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


n. a person who has been convicted of a felony, which is a crime punishable by death or a term in state or federal prison. (See: felony)

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.


a person who has committed a FELONY.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006
References in periodicals archive ?
Although appellant moved to have the charges against her severed, appellant contends that her conviction for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon violates the collateral estoppel principle encompassed in the Fifth Amendment's guarantee against double jeopardy.
Felon disenfranchisement has helped Scott and other Florida Republicans remain in power.
1 in Louisiana allows insurance producers to employ convicted felons if the producer obtains permission or consent in writing from the state insurance commissioner.
exclude felons during the time that they are under sentence, under the supervision of the criminal justice system, or in prison;" three states "allow parties to challenge felons for cause for life at the discretion of the court;" five states "provide hybrids of various severity, either providing different rules for different situations, or using a rule combining penal status and some term of years;" and two states place no restrictions on felon jury service.
This is not the first time a felon's mugshot has gone viral.
Felon disenfranchisement laws began as a reactionary measure to preserve white dominance soon after African Americans were given the right to vote.
"Felon disenfranchisement laws were applied universally until about the early to mid 1800s," Rivers said.
Justice Department has been urging states to repeal laws that prevent felons from voting.
Queen Creek, AZ, February 20, 2016 --(PR.com)-- James Wieland, author of "Chains of Change," is hoping to help other felons through his unique guidebook focused on providing opportunities to those that have been incarcerated as well as support for their friends and family.
Pangilinan even offered his tightly secured command compound as a billeting place for prosecutors from the outside who are willing to litigate local illegal drug felons.
With a presidential election nearing, felon voting rights is likely to remain a popular topic as candidates from both parties have expressed support for re-engaging citizens whose votes could make a difference in some states.