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taxation, system used by governments to obtain money from people and organizations. The revenue collected is used by the government to support itself and to provide public services. Aside from being relatively permanent, taxation is compulsory and does not guarantee a direct relationship between the amount contributed by a citizen and the extent of governmental services provided to him. An enforced levy to meet an emergency (e.g., capital levy) is distinguished from taxation as not being part of a long-term system; fees for special services, such as postage, are not taxes. A government may secure its revenue without taxation, as from natural resources, manufactured products, or services. Taxes are sometimes resisted when those who must pay them consider them too onerous or unfair; such resistance was one of the causes of the American Revolution. Ease of collection is considered a merit in a tax, and ability to pay is one test of the amount that an individual should contribute. Such a progressive levy is the U.S. inheritance tax. A general property tax formerly met requirements in the United States satisfactorily (see land tax); but as property increasingly assumed forms that escaped taxation, the burden on farms, once the usual form of property, became more than they could carry. A tax on luxuries is free in part from such an objection, although a luxury to one person may be a necessity to another. A modern variation of the sales tax is the value-added tax. Tariff duties have occasioned great debates on protection and free trade. Increasing use has been made of the graduated income tax. Excise taxes, as on tobacco and alcoholic beverages, encounter little resistance; when too high, however, they may encourage bootlegging. A single tax on land is advocated by the followers of Henry George. Increases or decreases in taxes or changes in the types of taxes levied are often used to regulate a nation's economy. See tax exemption.


See Dick Netzer, Economics of the Property Tax (1966); J. F. Due, Government Finance (4th ed. 1968); C. S. Shoup, Public Finance (1969); H. M. Groves, Financing Government (7th ed. 1973); C. Webber and A. Wildavsky, A History of Taxation and Expenditure in the Western World (1987).

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compulsory levies by central or local governments. Taxation takes many forms, e.g. on personal wealth and income, on corporate income or profits, on the purchases of goods and services, on imports and exports. A major general distinction
Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000
References in periodicals archive ?
Federal Tax Ombudsman Mushtaq Ahmad Sukhera assured the President of making all out efforts for the betterment of masses.
Abu Dhabi: President His Highness Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan issued a decree on Monday to set up a new authority to collect data, information and statistics related to federal taxes.
Muhammad Younas Khan, Advisor to FTO gave a detailed presentation to the participants on the jurisdiction and working of Federal Tax Ombudsman office.
To look at how states in different fiscal situations behaved, we start by dividing them into three distinct groups: states that were never insolvent, states that were insolvent but managed to pay back their federal loans and did not incur the federal tax credit reduction, and states that became insolvent and ended up incurring a federal tax credit reduction.
A federal tax hike of $1 a gallon would raise as much as $130 billion per year--slightly more than the $100 billion profit oil companies captured in 2005--while it promotes oil conservation, shows good stewardship of the gifts of creation, and bankrolls judicious investments in a post-fossil fuel future.
If you or your clients are paying federal taxes with paper FTD coupons, Treasury urges taxpayers to consider switching to EFFPS.
The sun may have set on the federal tax credit for mining flow-through shares, but Ontario will continue providing its portion.
Local governments support simplification of the federal tax code, but not without careful consideration of the potential impact of federal reform on local governments.
While Clause timely filed his 1996 federal tax return, he did not report the sale of stock to the ESOP--in any manner--on the return.
Although federal tax rates are down both the state and the city have increased taxes.

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