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a. an excess of government revenues over expenditures during a certain financial year
b. an excess of receipts over payments on the balance of payments
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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CIRI acquired some of this property in the 1980s when it selected federal surplus properties outside of Alaska to fulfill part of the federal government's ANCSA obligations.
Budgetary surpluses have been healthy, despite the recent shortfall in the federal surplus. Most of the windfall gains have been directed toward reducing the government debt, and the federal government plans to further diminish the federal debt by CAD 3 billion per year.
The third great disaster of the Bush administration is a fiscal policy that has turned a federal surplus into a series of enormous budget gaps and an economy that depends on loans from China to pay its bills.
As Figure 1 shows the overall federal surplus has been positive since the beginning of 1997.
The Premier reasons that Ontario, with 40 percent of the country's population, is entitled to 40 percent of the $12 billion federal surplus. After all, he says, the province has largely financed that surplus.
It is absolutely appalling and completely unacceptable that the federal government allows these conditions to fester and plague a community while boasting of a federal surplus."
But Mr Morgan said Bush had twice defied that philosophy - first by winning in 2000 when the American economy was so strong and again by securing a second term despite being the first President in 70 years to see jobs lost, by turning a federal surplus into a record deficit of pounds 521bn and weakening the dollar.
During the past four years, a late 1990s recession and tax cuts vaguely intended to attack it have transformed a large federal surplus into a huge federal deficit.
* The state received $450 million in federal surplus UI monies in March 2002, which enhanced the solvency of Florida's unemployment trust fund.
It's understandable that the economic slump our economy has been going through, the launching of a war on terrorism on our home ground as a result of 9/ 11, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have quickly depleted the federal surplus we were enjoying.
Other agencies within the OSS included print and graphics services, mail and delivery/materials management services, state and federal surplus, and the consolidated print center.
In my budgeteer's mind the need to augment national saving is an argument for running a federal surplus or at least not reducing national saving by running a big structural federal deficit.

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