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Federal deficit (surplus)

When federal government expenditures are exceeded by (are less than) federal government revenue.
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The amount by which the revenue of a government from taxes, tariffs and other sources exceeds its expenditures. A surplus means that the budget is likely healthy, at least in the short-term, and in any case the government does not have to resort to borrowing. Some economists believe that a budget surplus or deficit has only minor importance, while others believe that it is very important to maintain a surplus if at all possible. Most U.S. states are required to maintain either a surplus or a balanced budget, while the federal government is not. See also: Federal deficit.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


1. Equity in excess of par value. Surplus includes additional paid-in capital and retained earnings.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Higher effective taxes and lower discretionary outlays have led to a surge in federal surpluses. The Congressional Budget Office's January 2001 projections place the 10-year (2002-2011) cumulative surplus at $5.6 trillion.
That is a lesson worth remembering as we contemplate how we might exploit projected federal surpluses as far as the eye can see.
Rather, the President called for setting aside nearly 90 percent of projected federal surpluses for Social Security, Medicare, and a new savings incentive program.
Bush asserts that the cost of his tax cut will be covered by federal surpluses separate from the Social Security surplus.
According to this proposal, the nation would allocate 62 percent of prospective federal surpluses to paying the Social Security benefits promised under current law.
"President Clinton's 2000 budget plan represents both a glorious dilemma and a major contradiction," Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) said, promising the first back-to-back federal surpluses in 30 years and promising surpluses "as far as the eye can see."

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