political theory

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Noun1.political theory - an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation
orientation - an integrated set of attitudes and beliefs
totalism, totalitarianism, absolutism - the principle of complete and unrestricted power in government
anarchism - a political theory favoring the abolition of governments
autocracy - a political theory favoring unlimited authority by a single individual
centrism, moderatism - a political philosophy of avoiding the extremes of left and right by taking a moderate position or course of action
collectivism - a political theory that the people should own the means of production
communism - a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society
conservatism, conservativism - a political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes
segregationism - a political orientation favoring political or racial segregation
constitutionalism - advocacy of a system of government according to constitutional principles
democracy - the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives
social democracy - the belief in a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means
domino theory - the political theory that if one nation comes under communist control then neighboring nations will also come under communist control
elitism - the attitude that society should be governed by an elite group of individuals
extremism - any political theory favoring immoderate uncompromising policies
fascism - a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)
federalism - the idea of a federal organization of more or less self-governing units
imperialism - a political orientation that advocates imperial interests
leftism - the ideology of the political left; belief in or support of the tenets of the political left
liberalism - a political orientation that favors social progress by reform and by changing laws rather than by revolution
meritocracy - the belief that rulers should be chosen for their superior abilities and not because of their wealth or birth
libertarianism - an ideological belief in freedom of thought and speech
monarchism - a belief in and advocacy of monarchy as a political system
Negritude - an ideological position that holds Black culture to be independent and valid on its own terms; an affirmation of the African cultural heritage
Orleanism - the political philosophy of the Orleanists
progressivism - the political orientation of those who favor progress toward better conditions in government and society
radicalism - the political orientation of those who favor revolutionary change in government and society
reactionism - the political orientation of reactionaries
republicanism - the political orientation of those who hold that a republic is the best form of government
rightism - the ideology of the political right; belief in or support of the tenets of the political right
socialism - a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
theocracy - the belief in government by divine guidance
Utopianism - the political orientation of a Utopian who believes in impossibly idealistic schemes of social perfection
dovishness - any political orientation favoring compromise to avoid conflict
hawkishness - any political orientation favoring aggressive policies
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References in classic literature ?
It is one of the most marked characteristics of Greek political theory that Plato and Aristotle think of the statesman as one who has knowledge of what ought to be done, and can help those who call him in to prescribe for them, rather than one who has power to control the forces of society.
Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks when presiding over a symposium in Beijing for teachers of ideological and political theory. Efforts should be made to foster a new generation of young people capable of shouldering the mission of national rejuvenation, and those who have all-round moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetical grounding with a hard-working spirit, Xi said.
Keywords: Capitalism, Fourth Political Theory, Fifth Political Theory, Marxism, Fascism.
Synopsis: Deftly drawing on political theory, comparative politics, international relations, psychology and classics in "The Rise and Fall of Political Orders", Ned Lebow (Professor of International Political Theory, Department of War Studies, King's College London) offers insights into why social and political orders form, how they evolve, and why and how they decline.
This is the most provocative chapter in the book, and here Sagar's views reflect aspects of the so-called realistic political theory of recent years (218).
The author draws not only on political theory, but also fields such as human geography, planning theory, and environmental studies.
Soviet Communism was a faith masquerading as political theory. Whereas the Nazis lashed out at external enemies, most of all the Jews, the Bolsheviks attacked the enemy within, the self that refused to adhere completely to the godlike thinking of Lenin or Stalin.
This dissertation uses economic models to relate basic political theory to current national defense issues.
Engaging Nature: Environmentalism and the Political Theory Canon
Introducing Deleuzian Politics Nathan Widder, Political Theory after Deleuze, London: Continuum, 2012.