
(redirected from WALIS)
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Related to WALIS: Wallis


n, pl -lis
(Islam) a divinely inspired leader; saint
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
L'ancien Premier ministre Ahmed Ouyahia et l'ancien ministre de l'Industrie Yousef Yousfi, l'ex-wali d'Alger Abdelkader Zoukh, l'ancien wali de Skikda, l'ex-wali d'El Bayadh, l'ancien et l'actuel walis de Saida sont poursuivis pour les memes chefs d'inculpation.
Addressing the Walis (governors) after the oath taking ceremony, President Al-Bashir affirmed that Sudan is currently surpassing a new historic stage which necessitates exerting efforts and working seriously and honestly to maintain the nation's security, stability and prosperity.
L'article SM le Roi recoit les nouveaux walis et gouverneurs est apparu en premier sur ALBAYANE .
This came during his meeting Monday at his office in the Republican Palace with the Wali (governor) of North Kordufan State, Ahmed Haroun, the Wali of West Kordufan, Maj.
Demain, le wali d'Alger donnera le coup d'envoi pour la delivrance du passeport biometrique par les APC.
The Wali of North Kordofan State Ahmed Mohamed Haroun pledged in statements to the press to work for serving the citizens in the three states of Kordofan.
Al Faher, 3 Juil (SUNA) -Le Wali (gouverneur) de l'Etat du Sud-Kordofan, Ahmed Haroun, a affirme que le tournoi de l'Orient et de l'Afrique Centeral Football Associations CECAFA laquelle ses activites ont eu lieu recemment dans kKadugli twon du Sud Kordofan et Al Fasher dans le nord Darfour ont apported tous les plans du Mouvement de la Ppeople, secteur nord, et les mouvements rebelles du Darfour qui ont cible la moralite des citoyens vers les programmes de l'Etat.
[beaucoup moins que]Le president de la Republique, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, a procede, ce jour, a un mouvement dans le corps des walis. Ce mouvement comporte: Au titre des mutations, messieurs:
Au titre des fins de fonctions: Fehim Yahia, wali de Sidi Bel Abbes, admis a faire valoir ses droits a la retraite.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Interior Minister welcomed in his speech the walis. He expressed his thanks and appreciation for their efforts exerted recently on events witnessed in some wilayats of the Sultanate.
Summary: King Mohammed VI on Thursday appointed new Walis and governors at the central and territorial administration of the ministry of Interior.
But Rehmat Walis bullet-riddled body was found beneath the debris Wednesday morning, when the rubble was cleared with the help of villagers, added his brother, who believed Ahmed Wali had been detained by the troops.