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(Historical Terms) (in medieval Germany) an officer with jurisdiction over a royal forest
[from German Waldgraf, from Wald forest + Graf count]
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Bode's colleagues in this effort were James Hayden Tufts, Henry Waldgrave Stuart, Harold Chapman Brown, John Dewey, George Herbert Mead, Addison Webster Moore, John H.
They like looking in the rockpools - Tracy Waldgrave, 42, a full-time mum from Redcar I like going to the beach very much.
Ken Taylor, the Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professor of Philosophy at Stanford University.
The situation is not confined just to Waldgrave Hospital, it is a nationwide problem, witness the central London charges, which will be instituted in many town centres before long.
The victim was driving his black VW Golf on Waldgrave Road, Wavertree, at 6.50pm on Wednesday, when he was flagged down by a male in a group of three.
It appears that Bode assumed leadership in the effort that produced the volume, and which included among the co-authors (in addition to Bode) Dewey, Addison Moore, Harold Brown, George Herbert Mead, Stuart Waldgrave, James Hayden Tufts and Horace Kallen.
Wm Waldgrave, that did wonders upon the archlieute'.(34) John Evelyn heard him on 19 November 1674; 'here was also that rare Lutinist Dr.
co.uk/ Myers, of Waldgrave Place, Wavertree, supplied a consignment of 327g of heroin with a potential street value of PS32,700 to courier Philip Lindon, who was stopped at Mamhead, near Dawlish, in Devon, in April, 2013.
And Rob Wootton, Cathy Snelson and Alex Ferguson add to the amusement with their performances as Waldgrave, his wife and son.
Within just 20 seconds the gunmen had fled in a stolen Citroen C4, later found abandoned and on fire in nearby Waldgrave Road.
Mr Cummings then said Croxton used his time as a taxi driver to scout the getaway route, which saw the gunmen drive the Citroen to Waldgrave Road, then run across a footbridge to a waiting Audi which was driven to Whiston and set on fire before they transferred to a third car.
Jurors have heard how a suspected getaway car, a Citroen C4, was later found abandoned and set on fire in Waldgrave Road, a mile away.