WALJAWashington Administrative Law Judges Association
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Tarwitage siin nuud weel koiki oma voimu ja osawust selleks, et Eesti Asutaw Kogu voimalikult ruttu kokku tuleks ja tingimata iseseiswuse walja kuulutaks ..." ERA, fR-1290, n 2, s 5.
Motorists in Walja, Ruwi High Street, the Business District, and Wadi Kabir have seen a dramatic increase in traffic every year.
Up to 12 bachelors live in a typical three bedroom flat in places like Walja, Hamriya and Ruwi High Street.
Areas leading to the Wadi Kabir roundabout, Hamriya, Walja, the Ruwi High Street and the Muscat Securities Market (MSM), are always packed.