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1. To move on foot.
See also: gait.
2. The characteristic manner in which one moves on foot.
See also: gait.
[M.E. walken, fr. O.E. wealcen, to roll]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


noun Gait verb To ambulate afoot
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. To move on foot.
2. The characteristic manner in which one moves on foot.
See also: gait
[M.E. walken, fr. O.E. wealcen, to roll]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about walk

Q. I have diabetics.My doctor suggested me to walk daily.Would you rather be alone or walk with someone? Why? I have diabetics. My doctor suggested that exercise will help me to improve my health. So I planned and started going for a morning walk daily. I feel very fresh and youth few days after my walking. It’s really effective. I also recommend this exercise to those who have not used to go for the morning walk. Now this question is for the one who is already doing it. When you go for a walk, would you rather be alone or walk with someone? Why?

A. If I am troubled, then I want to walk alone. If I am walking for exercise, then I would want to walk with someone so that we won’t feel the hours we spend. I usually discuss encouraging experiences with the one who walk with me. Sometimes I like to walk with my dog.

Q. what is hernia.what is the cure.is it fatal.what precautions should i take.can i do brisk walking

A. Hernia is a condition in which contents of the abdomen (usually part of the gut) protrude outside, either to the cord that lead the vessels to the testicle or through other parts of the wall of the abdomen. It's usually treated with surgery that usually solves the problem.

After a resting period after the surgery usually full and regular activity can be resumed.

You may read more here:

Q. How many minutes a day can I walk. Any help would be great. I’m Lesa 28 yrs old and I’m 14 weeks pregnant, this is my first pregnancy. I like to join in prenatal yoga. When can I join and until what time I should continue it. How many minutes a day can I walk. Any help would be great.

A. yes, agree with both two answers above..

a regular exercise before pregnancy and even during pregnancy are believed to be related with significant reduction in labor pain. besides, by doing regular exercise you can help strengthening your muscles and bones, and also stretch some pelvic muscle that will benefit when the time comes for you to deliver the wonderful baby.

I once wrote an article about water aerobic during pregnancy, you can check it out here :

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References in classic literature ?
"I shall walk that ridgepole, Diana, or perish in the attempt.
"I don't believe no Crocodile never walked along its own forehead!" Sylvie cried, too much excited by the controversy to limit the number of her negatives.
They walked a few yards and Mildred knocked three times, sharply, at a door.
Returning up the Broad Walk we have on our right the Baby Walk, which is so full of perambulators that you could cross from side to side stepping on babies, but the nurses won't let you do it.
George felt so utterly lonely and dejected that he wanted to weep but pride made him walk rapidly along, swinging his arms.
She had hardly spoken the words when Mr Elliot walked in.
By a merciful miracle he was out taking his walk when the newspaper men began to infest the place to-day, but that might not happen another time.
"It's a little tiresome to walk backward, but that is the only way to pass this part of the road, which has a trick of sliding back and carrying with it anyone who is walking upon it."
As he walked up to the town, he felt shy and afraid of being seen, and took the back streets--why, he didn't know, but he followed his instinct.
The golden gates closed behind him, and he went at a brisk walk through the damp, dark streets in search of a penny omnibus.
Disputable, however, as might be the taste of such a termination, it was in itself a charming walk, and the view which closed it extremely pretty.The considerable slope, at nearly the foot of which the Abbey stood, gradually acquired a steeper form beyond its grounds; and at half a mile distant was a bank of considerable abruptness and grandeur, well clothed with wood; and at the bottom of this bank, favourably placed and sheltered, rose the Abbey Mill Farm, with meadows in front, and the river making a close and handsome curve around it.
We have felt that we almost alone hereabouts practiced this noble art; though, to tell the truth, at least if their own assertions are to be received, most of my townsmen would fain walk sometimes, as I do, but they cannot.