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WALKWarrior Aid and Litter Kit (US DoD)
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References in classic literature ?
A lady in the next ward who walked last week first, peeked into the door, and another one who hopes she can walk next month, was invited in to the party, and she laid on my nurse's bed and clapped her hands.
"I don't think it's such a very wonderful thing to walk a little, low, board fence," she said.
I heerd it say 'Why shouldn't I walk on my own forehead?' So a course it did, oo know!"
She wore a large black straw hat with a mass of feathers on it and a black silk dress; at that time it was fashionable for women to wear trains; the road was clear, and Mildred crossed, her skirt trailing on the ground, and walked down Piccadilly.
If I were to point out all the notable places as we pass up the Broad Walk, it would be time to turn back before we reach them, and I simply wave my stick at Cecco's Tree, that memorable spot where a boy called Cecco lost his penny, and, looking for it, found twopence.
The two started to walk back along the road toward town.
The rain was a mere trifle, and Anne was most sincere in preferring a walk with Mr Elliot.
For perhaps a mile he walked as the scorpion-stung natives run--blindly, wildly, with nothing in his mind but a desire to walk faster and faster, to walk as no man had ever walked before.
The latter then led towards the gardens the major part of the beaux, the ladies and the chatterers, whilst the men walked in the gallery, lighted by three hundred wax-lights, in the sight of all; the admirers of fireworks all ran away towards the garden.
Suddenly he became aware that he had been looking at that tree a long time--at least for five minutes--and it had remained in the same position, although the boy had continued to walk steadily on.
In the summer of 1842, our hero stopped once again at the well- known station; and leaving his bag and fishing-rod with a porter, walked slowly and sadly up towards the town.
Men of his type walk with a rapid waddle, or they sit still.