attention deficit disorder

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Synonyms for attention deficit disorder

a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders

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References in periodicals archive ?
The study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has opened the door to a new therapeutic pathway that consists of complementing the physical treatments received by stroke patients with therapies to overcome attention deficit disorders, such as working with video games.
Specialties include: somatic experiencing, neurofeedback, biofeedback, psychotherapy, attention deficit disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, addiction, depression, insomnia, migraines, EMDR, body-mind therapy, headaches, urinary incontinence, stress, high blood pressure, epilepsy, los angeles, beverly hills, california
Our current studies are designed to determine which game components have the greatest impact on engaging the minds of children with attention deficit disorders." Henry Warner further explains, "This process is very similar to extracting and refining the specific beneficial component of a functional food product and purifying it into a concentrated dose.
Parents were questioned about their children's viewing habits and asked to rate their behaviour at age seven on a scale similar to that used to diagnose attention deficit disorders.
Called Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood Through Adulthood (Touchstone Publishers, 1995), it changed Ms.
CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders),
Ingestion of lead, whether by breathing or swallowing, could lead to attention deficit disorders, behavioral problems, lowered IQs, comas, and even death.
Class action lawsuits have been filed in California, New Jersey, and Texas against the New Jersey pharmaceutical company that manufactures Ritalin, the prescription medication used to treat attention deficit disorders in children.
One of the first books that recognizes and provides advice on how to cope with the social difficulties encountered on an everyday basis by those with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders.
Teaching listening skills to students with attention deficit disorders. Teaching Exceptional Children, 20, 20-12.
Included are children with depression, attention deficit disorders, autism, emotional disturbances, other behavioral problems, or a combination of these.
6 (ANI): Abnormal attention between two brain regions can lead to attention deficit disorders, including schizophrenia, and major depression.
US experts have said youngsters watching too much TV could develop serious attention deficit disorders.
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