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ADSActive Directory Services
ADSAmerican Depository Share (international financial instrument)
ADSAddress (logging abbreviation)
ADSAcudetox Specialist (medical title)
ADSAcupuncture Detoxification Specialist
ADSAlliance Data Systems (Dallas, TX)
ADSAdvanced Design System (Agilent EEsof)
ADSAutomatic Dependent Surveillance
ADSAstrophysics Data System (NASA)
ADSAlgorithms and Data Structures
ADSApplication Development Services
ADSAdult Day Services
ADSApproved Destination Status (bilateral tourism arrangement)
ADSAllied Digital Services
ADSAccess and Delivery Services (various schools)
ADSAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (data communications)
ADSAdvanced Drainage Systems (type of HDPE culvert)
ADSA Different Street (transitional housing; Canada)
ADSAbstract Data Structure (computer programming)
ADSAlternate Data Stream
ADSAustralian Diabetes Association
ADSAmateur Dramatic Society (UK)
ADSAdjoints de Sécurité (Frech: Deputy Security)
ADSAmerican Dialect Society
ADSAcoustic Detection System (Army Research Laboratory)
ADSArt Deco Society (various locations)
ADSAdvantage Database Server (database management)
ADSAnalog-Digital System
ADSAlliance Distribution Services (Australia)
ADSApplication Development System
ADSActive Denial System
ADSArchaeology Data Service (University of York, UK)
ADSAdobe Document Services (Web service)
ADSAlfred-Delp-Schule (German school)
ADSAnatomical Dead Space
ADSAmerican Data Services
ADSAsian Dust Storm
ADSArchitecture and Design Scotland (UK)
ADSAdaptive Damping System (Mercedes-Benz automobiles)
ADSAdvanced Dressing Station
ADSAufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom (German)
ADSAutomated Distribution System
ADSArea Data Set
ADSAdaptive Damping System
ADSAda Package Specification
ADSAutomated Deployment Services
ADSAuthoritative Data Source
ADSAutomated Data Service
ADSAlternate Data Storage
ADSAudi Drive Select
ADSArchitecture Description Specification
ADSAlternate Data Streams
ADSActive Directory Service
ADSAiming Down the Sight
ADSActive Directory Data Store
ADSAdobe Document Server
ADSAddress Strobe
ADSAir Discount Scheme (UK)
ADSAfter Downing Street (political organization)
ADSAutomated Document(ation) System
ADSAir Defense Section (US DoD)
ADSAlternative Depreciation System (IRS)
ADSAlcohol and Drug Services
ADSApplication Data Sheet
ADSAdvanced Data Systems
ADSAccelerator Driven System
ADSAmerican Daffodil Society
ADSAmerican Driving Society
ADSAssociation of Diesel Specialists
ADSAir Data System
ADSAmerican Dahlia Society
ADSAir Defense Sector
ADSAttention Deficit Syndrome
ADSAdelanto de Salario (Spanish: Salary Advancement; Guatemala)
ADSAudio Distribution System
ADSAdvanced Deployable System
ADSAdvanced Distributed Simulation
ADSAfter Dinner Speaking
ADSApplied Digital Solutions, Inc
ADSAdvanced Digital System
ADSAlternative Delivery System
ADSAutomated Data System
ADSActivity Data Sheet
ADSAitken Double Star (astronomy catalog)
ADSAuthoritative Data Sources
ADSAutoCAD Development System
ADSAircraft Defensive System
ADSApplication Development Solution
ADSAir Demonstration Squadron
ADSAtmospheric Diving Suit
ADSAutograph Document Signed
ADSAutomatic Distribution System
ADSAttitude Determination System
ADSAtlantic Data Services
ADSArchitectural Data Systems (New York)
ADSAdvanced Detection System
ADSAssociation for Dressings and Sauces
ADSAmphibian Discharge Site (US DoD)
ADSAgent/Distributor Service
ADSAlaska Dental Society
ADSAir Data Sensor
ADSAerial Delivery System
ADSAssociate Director of Science (CDC)
ADSAutomated Deployment Service (Microsoft)
ADSAutonomous Decentralized System
ADSAtmospheric Dive System (US Navy)
ADSAlpha Delta Sigma (national honor society)
ADSAdvertisement and Discovery of Services
ADSAirdrop System (C-5)
ADSAeronautical Design Standard
ADSAmerican Druze Society
ADSArchitectural Design Session
ADSAutomatic Depressurization System
ADSApplication Development Standards
ADSArea Denial System
ADSAdvanced Display System
ADSAmbulatory Data System
ADSAssistant Director Skinner (X-Files character)
ADSAccreditation Data System
ADSApplication Delivery Strategy
ADSAuxiliary Data System
ADSAverage Dollar Sales (retail business metric)
ADSAdditional Data Sheet
ADSAegis Display System
ADSAdvanced Diabetes Supply (Carlsbad, CA)
ADSAir Defense Squadron (SAGE)
ADSAntenna Distribution System
ADSAnnular Denuder System
ADSAir Defense Suppression
ADSAim Down the Sight (video games; aka Aim Down the Scope)
ADSAdvance Disposal Surcharge
ADSAzimuth Determining System
ADSAngular Displacement Sensor
ADSAuto Data Switch
ADSAdvanced Data Service (Sprint - Group)
ADSAd Sectam (Latin: at the suit of)
ADSAutomatic Defense System
ADSAutomated Disbursing System
ADSActive Duty Support
ADSAccessory Drive System
ADSAutomatic Debiting System
ADSAda Development System
ADSAntex Data Systems
ADSAirport & Desktop Services (SITA)
ADSArchive and Distribution Segment
ADSAddress Data Strobe
ADSArmy Development System
ADSAltitude Decompression Sickness
ADSAll Digital Simulation
ADSAirspace Deconfliction System
ADSActive Database System
ADSAntidiuretic Substance
ADSAdvanced Degaussing System
ADSAnalog Distribution System
ADSAdvanced Distribution System, Inc.
ADSAccreditation Documentation Set
ADSArea Detection System
ADSAirlift Defensive System
ADSAirdrop Delivery System (C-17)
ADSAccess Data Support
ADSAligned Documentation System
ADSAlert Distribution System (Sprint)
ADSAdvanced Digital Switch
ADSAcquisition Data System
ADSAdvertisement Subsystem (JAXA)
ADSAcquisition Display System
ADSAverage Distance Spectrum
ADSAssociated Directory Services (SBC - Affiliate)
ADSAcoustic Detection Sensor
ADSAdministration of Designed Services
ADSAdapted Dysfunctional State
ADSAutomated Documentation Software
ADSAdvanced Decommutation System
ADSAustralian Dancing Society Ltd
ADSAlent Design Solutions
ADSAsynchronous Data Set
ADSAttitude to Disabilities Scale
ADSAuxiliary Display System
ADSAirworthiness Directives Subsystem
ADSAccess Distribution Switch (ADC)
ADSAerospace, Defence & Security Organisation (trade organization; UK)
ADSAutomatic Data Selection
ADSAutomated Digital Switch
ADSAdaptive Dataport System (Verilink)
ADSAnalyzer Detecting Set
ADSAdvanced Deep-Dive System
ADSAir Deployable Deception Device
ADSArtillery Delivered Sensor
ADSAmmunition Drive System
ADSAmcor American Depositary Shares
ADSApproval Data Submittals
ADSAdministrative Discharge Section
ADSAutomatic Data Services Center (Air Force Office)
ADSARTS Development System
ADSAdministrative Domain Server (Alcatel)
ADSAquitaine Dépannage Service (French automotive repair company)
ADSAdaptive Diagnostics System
ADSAddisod, TX (Near Dallas) Airport Code
ADSApproved Demand Statement (various companies)
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References in periodicals archive ?
It's hardly surprising so many children today are suffering from attention deficit syndrome. They don't get it from watching too much TV or playing computer games, it's a habit they pick up from their ever fretful parents, too embarrassed to let them monitor their own behaviour for five minutes, when there's a proper adult in the room.
He said his client had attention deficit syndrome and went to a special school.
Judge Hodson included conditions 19-year-old Bland, who suffers Attention Deficit Syndrome, must live where directed by his probation officer and have whatever sex offender treatment experts recommend.
Glutamic acid is an organic acid that is considered a "brain nutrient." It has been used with varying degrees of success in learning-disabled children, children with attention deficit syndrome (ADD), and others in whom "extra fuel" is thought to benefit.
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