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Synonyms for gibbet

to execute by suspending by the neck

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for gibbet

alternative terms for gallows

hang on an execution instrument

Related Words

expose to ridicule or public scorn


Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
MT: Magellan killed here 53 Boel MT Piga.: Bool 54 Gibet MT Piga.: Chipit.
Elle l'aurait surement conduit au gibet. En prison, Villon fut traite en Coquillard.
Here Ormodia began with it, bringing to Ondine a controlled fluidity and delicious intensifying and subsiding of power, to Le Gibet an hypnotic sense of monotone desolation, and to Scarbo pouncing articulation as she made light of its devilishly virtuosic demands.
Kaminsky notes how Ravel creates unit' tie structural processes by superimposing harmonic functions at the reprise of "Pavane de la belle .au bois dormant," by deriving the musical material and formal strategy from a single motive in Manuet sur le nam d 'Haydn, and by translating poetic structure into the progress of musical events in "Le Gibet. Each study provides exceptional insight into the complexit' of Ravers unique formal approaches, and helps to construct a methodological foundation for future studies of a broader scope.
At intermission, the composer found Robert to congratulate him: "Finally, you play Le Gibet with the resonance, and especially the tempo, that I wanted, when all the others absolutely want to play it too fast." The "others" to whom Ravel referred included Ricardo Vines, the pianist who premiered the work and performed it too quickly for the composer's taste.
The verses which in the 1852 manuscript read: "Dans ton ile, o Venus, je n'ai trouve debout / Qu'un gibet degoutant ou pendait mon image" (l073) speak, in the 1857 and subsequent editions of Les Fleurs, not of a "gibet degoutant" but of a "gibet symbolique." The cadaver has been reclaimed for its allegorical value, but this is not to say that the body has been de-corporealized.
The laughing, watery Ondine was beautifully colored while Le Gibet showed an acute rhythmic control that made the left hand bell-notes all the more stark and creepy.
sur la route qui part de cette etable pour aboutir a un gibet.[7] Mauriac focuses his readers' attention on human suffering and vulnerability, not to submit them to any 'fear of the Lord' through their own feelings of humiliation and guilt as did Vichy propaganda, but on the contrary to impress upon them their likeness to the one whose divine innocence condemned him to the cross:
These are the showy, note-intense, applause-garnering movements but the central Le gibet demands great control of rhythm and dynamics if it's to weave a hypnotic swinging spell and Lebhardt succeeded admirably.
Ravel's pedals, a crucial aspect of his compositional style, are categorized as "interior," "exterior," "pseudo," "perpetual," "plagal," "piccolo," and "false." Although this is a useful taxonomy, Zank's assertion that the B[??] pedal in "Le Gibet" from Gaspard de la nuit represents an "ironic exemplar of renounced registration" (p.
Jacques Bony se penche sur le premier recit en prose nervalien, La Main enchantee (1832), conte fantastique parodique qui tourne en derision un anti-heros, victime risible de la magie, et dont le sort final est la mutilation et le gibet. Derriere tous les dispositifs ironiques de mise a distance percent neanmoins les obsessions profondes de l'auteur : conflit avec le pere, peur de la castration.