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a wooden structure resembling a gallows, from which the bodies of executed criminals were formerly hanged to public view.
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direction] that they had already passed the equator towards the north, they reached the sea in the north, where they found Inuaganam, Selam, Acacam, Massanam, Subuth, Mauthan, Boel, Gibet, and many other islands both fertile and uninhabited and previously never seen.
It was the subtle expression of colour and texture, the nuanced changes in articulation or rhythmic variation which tended to elude him: the repetitions of Le Gibet, for example, were monotonous rather than mesmerizing.
Il reparait au XIII siecle lorsqu'il devient le sinistre emplacement ou l'on pendait les condamnes au gibet. Alphand ajoute que Les Buttes devinrent vite "le receptable de toutes les immondices de Paris; on y voyait encore, il y a quelques annees, des etablissements d'equarrissage et le depotoir des vidanges, ce qui repandait des emanations infectes non seulement sur les quartiers avoisinants, mais sur la ville entiere, selon la direction des vents" (201).
Any number of pianists clambered about the prosceniums in their search for new music to play in Paris around 1900, and Ravel eventually threw Vines overboard when he refused to play "Gibet" slowly enou gh.
In her hands Le gibet is terrifyingly bleak yet mesmeric; the water nymph Ondine coolly seductive and the demonic Scarbo almost reeks of brimstone.
Bella, l'heroine va faire naitre la Mandragore des pleurs d'un prince, mort injustement accuse d'un crime: "Elle palpa ce qu'il (un chien noir) avait trouve, et elle eut dans les mains un petit objet de forme humaine, mais dont les deux jambes etaient encore enracinees dans le sol; c'etait elle, c'etait elle, la mysterieuse mandragore, le petit bonhomme du gibet, elle l'avait trouve sans peine; en un rien de temps, elle l'eut entoure de la cordelette fabriquee avec ses cheveux, et a laquelle elle attela le chien noir; puis, elle s'enfuit, songeant avec angoisse au cri de la racine" (II: 480).
The swinging corpse and tolling bell in Le gibet almost palpable and in the fiendish - and fiendishly difficult - Scarbo, conjured up a suitably sinister goblin.
Each of its multitude of notes was treated as important, with Ondine beautifully liquid, Le Gibet desolate, and Scarbo spine-tingling in its variety and o coherence.