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Classical; CD releases.

Ravel Piano Works Anna Vinnitskyaya (Naive V5284) This is in all respects a remarkable recording in which a young artist, not yet thirty, reveals an interpretative maturity well beyond her years.The Russian pianist's technical brilliance is never in doubt but what separates her from a dozen other fast-fingered international competition winners is her ability to reveal the emotions that supervene on the notes themselves.

Ravel's fiendishly difficult triptych Gaspard de la Nuit demands keyboard pyrotechnics - and most performers remain content with delivering just that. Not Vinnitskaya. In her hands Le gibet is terrifyingly bleak yet mesmeric; the water nymph Ondine coolly seductive and the demonic Scarbo almost reeks of brimstone.

Vinnitskaya excels in Ravel's virtuosic demands but also in his gentler pieces - her performance of the Pavane pour une infante defunte is one of balm and consolation.The contrasting moods of the five pieces in Miroirs are exquisitely revealed with the Alborada del gracioso suffused with the atmosphere of Spain.

Norman Stinchcombe
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:The Birmingham Post (England)
Date:May 24, 2012
Previous Article:Counter culture is Rob's inspiration; Working behind the reception desk at Birmingham Central Library for 10 years, Rob Joiner has met many memorable...
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