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1. something that flows.
2. specifically, electricity transmitted through a circuit.
alternating current a current that periodically flows in opposite directions; its amplitude fluctuates as a sine wave.
convection current a current caused by movement by convection of warmer fluid into an area of cooler fluid.
direct current a current that flows in one direction only; when modeled as a wave, its amplitude is constant. When used medically it is called galvanic current. This current has distinct and important polarity and marked secondary chemical effects.
galvanic current a steady direct current.
current of injury an electric current that flows between injured myocardium and normal myocardium, because such cells have a reduced membrane potential; it may be either diastolic or systolic.
current of injury, diastolic the current that flows from injured to noninjured tissue during electrical diastole.
current of injury, systolic the current that flows from healthy tissue to injured tissue during electrical systole.
inwardly rectifying current current that rectifies so that it passes more easily towards the interior of a cell.
leakage current the electrical current that exists in the parts or metal case of electrical equipment.
outwardly rectifying current current that rectifies so that it passes more easily towards the exterior of a cell.
potassium rectifying c's transmembrane currents that rectify inwardly or outwardly to make adjustments in cellular functions; they are mainly responsible for the repolarization phase of the action potential. There are at least six mechanisms by which potassium ions move across cardiac cell membranes in the role of rectifier.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A stream or flow of fluid, air, or electricity.
[L. currens, pres. p. of curro, to run]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


The amount of electrical charge carried/unit time. See Alternating current, M current, Radiofrequency current.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A stream or flow of fluid, air, or electricity.
[L. currens, pres. p. of curro, to run]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


A stream or flow of fluid, air, or electricity.
[L. currens, pres. p. of curro, to run]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about current

Q. I am looking for help. I am diagnosed with ADHD and currently under medication. I am looking for help. I am diagnosed with ADHD and currently under medication. I often get angry for silly issues. And I hate the company of others. I don’t like anyone and sometimes feel angry but hide within me. Please help in any way. Thank you!

A. I feel that you need some additional medication to calm your anger and agitation. I think attending psychotherapy along with medications will help you more. Psychotherapy will help you learn how to plan better and how to lower the stress and anger that you frequently feel.

Q. Can any one guide me… wife is in trouble…please help…We are currently taking all possible tests….. hi all, my wife is diagnosed with the breast cancer and the report revealed that it has spread into the chest bone. As per my knowledge bone cancer is dangerous. Can any one guide me… wife is in trouble…please help…We are currently taking all possible tests…..

A. I am sorry for your wife….its really a bad time for you. Bone cancer which is the result of breast cancer is a matter of concern and is diffcult to be taken care of. But the chemotherapy, surgery and radiation treatments are very potent to control the spread of cancer to bone from breast. You must get your tests done first and do check for the symptoms of regular cough, breath shortness and chest infections. All this indicates the requirement for the quick treatment. Don’t worry …..everything will be fine.

Q. Hi I want to gain my weight. 23yrs old 176mts height and my current weight is 56kgs..

A. Hi there. Lots of milkshakes should do it. That's what a nutritionist told me. What is mts? How does that relate to inches. How does kgs relate to pounds? Thank you.

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References in periodicals archive ?
The total leakage current [i.sub.[summation][DELTA]](t) is a representative current --not the current in protective conductor, which is measured in practice.
Back gate biasing technique is more beneficial for NFinFETs due to their dominance in the total leakage current in FinFET based digital circuits.
The reduced leakage current of the process also creates a useful temperature margin with regard to the thermal runaway phenomenon.
Once the diode is in forward polarity, the SMU runs diode functional tests in the order stored in source memory, makes pass/fail determinations and saves data for each test--Forward Voltage Test, Breakdown Voltage Test and Leakage Current Test.
However, that thinness can cause larger gate leakage current. This is emerging as a critical issue, especially in low power products, such as mobile terminals, and it has spurred a search for thicker gate dielectric materials offering the same performance as SiO2.
It offers high speed switching and low-level off state leakage current of only 10 pA, with the rated load voltage (40V).
Besides, while high electron mobility is appreciated, III-V MOSFETs suffer from large drain leakage current when high electric field is applied [12-16].
For high-resistance samples, leakage current may degrade measurements.