lean body weight

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lean body weight

Therapeutics A person's body weight minus fat, which can be roughly calculated by measuring height, weight, girth and the person's sex. See Body-mass index, Ideal body mass.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Additionally, it was found that the higher a patient's BMI and fat mass and the lower their lean body weight, the more time they spent in the intensive care unit (ICU).
Additionally, another 25 percent of patients who had the lowest lean body weight were 2.8 times more likely to die compared to the other 25 percent of patients who had the highest lean body weight.
However, this suppression was significantly reduced in animals which were fed on a whey protein diet, justifying that whey protein helped in increasing the lean body weight of the animals though no proteolytic enzymes was used in this study.
Lean body weight scalar for the anesthetic induction dose of propofol in morbidly obese subjects.
CONCLUSION: Majority of type 2 diabetes patients in our population are having normal weight (52.7%) and lean body weight (10.6%).
Underwater weighings provide the most accurate and precise measure of lean body weight. With this technique, total body density, which is mass divided by volume, is determined indirectly by the application of Archimedes' principle.
Health screenings at the event included Memory Screenings by Arden Courts Northbrook; Hearing Screenings by ConnectHearing of Libertyville; and InBody Scans (included lean body weight, body fat percentage, water weight and more) by the NSYMCA.
Factors such as maintaining a lean body weight, proper exercise, limiting red and processed meat and eating more whole grains and fibre would lower risk substantially.
Skeletal muscle comprises about half of a person's lean body weight. Because the weight of the two other major components-bone and viscera (organs)-does not drop much over time, Forbes' measurements offer an indirect gauge of vanishing muscle.
Free health screenings at the event include: Memory screenings by Arden Courts Northbrook; hearing screenings by ConnectHearing of Libertyville; and InBody scans (includes lean body weight, body fat percentage, water weight and more) by the North Suburban YMCA staff.
This exercise prescription is sensitivie to individual differences because it considers age, gender, current level of physical activity (relative fitness status), body size (height and weight) and body composition (percent fat and lean body weight).
Free health screenings at the event include: Memory screenings by Arden Courts Northbrook; hearing screenings by ConnectHearing of Libertyville; and In body scans (includes lean body weight, body fat percentage, water weight and more) by the North Suburban YMCA staff.