lean body mass

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Related to lean body mass: Body composition, Lean Body Weight


1. a lump or collection of cohering particles.
2. that characteristic of matter that gives it inertia. Symbol m.
atomic mass atomic weight; see also atomic mass unit.
inner cell mass an internal cluster of cells at the embryonic pole of the blastocyst which develops into the body of the embryo.
lean body mass that part of the body including all its components except neutral storage lipid; in essence, the fat-free mass of the body.
relative molecular mass technically preferable term for molecular weight.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

fat-free bod·y mass

(FFM) (fat'frē bod'ē mas)
Body mass, primarily of muscle and bone, devoid of storage fat; a theoretic entity that contains the small percentage of non-sex-specific essential fat equivalent to approximately 3% of body mass (located chiefly within the central nervous system, bone marrow, and internal organs).
Synonym(s): lean body mass.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Exercise builds lean body mass, so get plenty of it.
In this study, HMB supplementation preserved lean body mass in the face of a powerful stimulus for sarcopenia: sustained bed rest.
Moreover, an increased fat mass was coupled with decreased lean body mass Z-LBM and Z-TBBMC/LBM (relative bone strength index).
The predictors for cycle ergometer [??][O.sub.2] (CE [??][O.sub.2]) that were included into the regression analysis were arm crank [??][O.sub.2] (ACE [??][O.sub.2]) in L x [min.sup.-1] and ml x [kg.sup.-1] [min.sup.-1], lean body mass lower (LBMLL) and upper limbs (LBMUL), lean body mass in total (LBM), HR, VE, RER and sex.
The study also reached secondary endpoints, indicating statistically significant increases in appendicular lean body mass and total lean body mass for all doses of VK5211 compared against placebo.
KEY WORDS: Anthropometry; Dynamometry; Harpendence Caliper; Handgrip Strength; Percentage of Body Fat; Percentage of Lean Body Mass
Lean body mass can be measured by body water electrical conduction (3).
"Sarcopenia, or the normal loss of lean body mass with age, is why older adults need more protein," explains registered dietitian Nancee Jaffe, UCLA Digestive Health & Nutrition Clinic.
Risk of heart disease and diabetes may be lowered by a diet higher in a lipid found in grapeseed and other oils, but not in olive oil, suggests a study in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, which found that men and women with higher linoleic acid levels tend to have less heart-threatening fat nestled between their vital organs, more lean body mass, and less inflammation--and higher linoleic acid levels also meant lower likelihood of insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes.
Recent innovations in this category include segmental analysis (lean body mass of arm, leg and trunk), which help to differentiate between fat and muscle in each limb.
This test takes just a few minutes to analyze your body in five ways: Body Composition Analysis is the sum of your Body Fat Mass and Lean Body Mass, which is made up of Dry Lean Mass and Total Body Water.
Pearson correlation was estimated in order to quantify the dependence between lean body mass, bone mineral density z scores, height z scores, and serum ferritin.