learning disorder

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Related to learning disorder: Non verbal learning disorder

learning disorder

The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

learning disorder

Child psychiatry A chronic condition that interferes with development, integration and/or demonstration of verbal and/or non-verbal abilities
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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In this study, after vectoelectronystagmography, it was verified that the saccadic movement, optokinetic nystagmus and pendular tracking tests showed subtle differences among the groups of children with dyslexia and learning disorder in relation to the control group.
Clinical characteristics of children with learning disorders in Taiwan.
The Learning Disorder Symptom Screening Scale Teacher and Parents Form, developed by Korkmazlar (9), covers cognitive and academic talents together with reading, writing, mathematics and indicates 1 if the problems are highest to 5 if the problems are lowest as per a Likert-type scale.
To study the reasonable accommodations provided in classrooms to children with specific learning disorders.
Other incorrect diagnoses besides ADHD that gifted youth may commonly receive include anger diagnoses, ideational or anxiety disorders, developmental and personality disorders, mood disorders, and learning disorders.
Learning disorders can be categorised into dyslexia where children with this problem have difficulty in understanding written words, dysgraphia, a writing disorder in which a person finds it hard to form letters or write within a defined space.
The "Focus Fund" was launched Friday at the groups' third annual conference, titled "School Mental and Behavioral Health: ADHD, Learning Disorders, and Comorbidities," held at the American University of Beirut's Hostler Auditorium.
Psychiatric co morbidity in learning disorder analysis of family variables.
A new study of mice suggests that watching glowing screens late at night can raise the risk of depression and learning disorders.
Nonverbal learning disorder (NLD) has yet to be established as a distinct, valid neurodevelopmental syndrome.
One 17-year-old at Godalming College, Surrey, was taunted when other pupils heard about his learning disorder. He said: "A guy found out about me having dyslexia.

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