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 [lern´ing] (pl. learn·ing)
education (def. 2).
the acquisition of knowledge.
learning disorders a group of disorders characterized by academic functioning that is substantially below the level expected on the basis of the patient's chronological age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education.
lifelong learning the continuation of the process of education throughout life.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Generic term for the relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of practice.
See also: conditioning, forgetting, memory.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. The act, process, or experience of gaining knowledge or skill.
2. Knowledge or skill gained through schooling or study.
3. Psychology Behavioral modification especially through experience or conditioning.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


1. Generic term for the relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of practice.
See also: conditioning, memory
2. nursing Change in behavior (e.g., knowledge, skill, value/attitude) as result of experience.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


an adaptive change in behaviour resulting from past experience. Learned behaviour is distinct from innate BEHAVIOUR, and may begin in the embryo. For example, a chick learns to peck because the heartbeat moves the head forward and causes the bill to open. Learning has been classified by the English behaviourist W.H. Thorpe (1902–86) as follows:
  1. habituation, where an animal is subject to repeated stimulation and may cease to respond.
  2. classical conditioning, resulting in a CONDITIONED REFLEX action.
  3. trial-and-error learning, as in rats learning to follow the correct route through a maze.
  4. latent learning, as in rats being allowed to run a maze without a final reward. Once given a reward their performance rapidly reaches that of rats rewarded throughout, thus they must have learnt something (latently) during the nonreward period.

It must be stressed that each of these categories overlap and that other classifications of learning are also accepted.

Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005


Generic term for the relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of practice.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about learning

Q. How can persons with autism learn best? The person with autism can’t concentrate on studies? How can persons with autism learn best?

A. Where have you read such a misguiding message? No one can say that the person with autism can’t concentrate on studies. They can be trained through specially-trained teachers, using specially structured programs that emphasize individual instruction; persons with autism can learn to function at home and in the community. Some can lead nearly normal lives.

Q. Do you want to learn how we got manipulated by some? I noticed an educational video about Asthma. I hope it helps. http://youtube.com/watch?v=jmuWKSRqvKI&featured=related Listen to eat and read my answer about it. Thank you for your patience.

A. Listen to what the man tells you right at the beginning of this video. "You are not alone... learning to CONTROL the SYMPTOMS of asthma and COPD... therefore more can be done to help you MANAGE YOUR SYMPTOMS and live a fuller life...". Do you hear what they say to you? Do they talk about curing you from Asthma? NO, they tell you to keep your symptoms and to learn to live with it. Are they interested that you get rid of your Asthma? NO, they just want you to keep it that way, but some shity drugs should keep you asthmatic, so that they can earn money with you... Listen exactly to what people tells you. Learn with this simple example the subtle way they pretend to help you, but they are absolutely not interested to cure you! Do you see the problem which is around us with such hypocrites/pretenders? I am grateful for this good bad example. Asthma can be cured, but you should not know about it. Please learn to understand. I thank you for your attention.

Q. Do you want to learn how we got manipulated by some? I noticed an educational video about Asthma here on this site. I hope it helps. http://youtube.com/watch?v=jmuWKSRqvKI&featured=related Listen to it and read my answer about it. Thank you for your patience. Does it help you to understand?

A. If you find another video or a text and you are not sure about the content, tell me about it and I will study it and present it here to help you understand with the community. In the moment that you start to listen and read between the lines you will got a kick, but a healthy one. We are here to help you and when I can also teach you this way and it helps you, I will do my best.

I am the topic-manager for "bipolar disorder", "depression" and new for "diabetes" too.

Read my answers with two critical eyes, test me, check me, check it out, to become a professional tester and checker in health and other themes. I check always first my doctors before I keep them. But then the distance is for me irrelevant, because such a good doctor is for me very precious!

More discussions about learning
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References in periodicals archive ?
Although distance learning is neither new nor unique for eLearning, what is new is the connectivity that eLearning makes possible due to the emergence of telecommunications networking.
Since the 1980s, self-regulation of learning has emerged as an important area of research that helps to explain academic success.
Many students are misdiagnosed with learning disabilities, says Linda Leviton, director of the West Coast Office of the Denver-based Gifted Development Center.
While certainly well intended, it essentially promotes rote teaching and learning and emphasizes the accumulation of facts and the simple transmission of already known information by rewarding schools whose students score well on tests that measure accumulated information and punishing those whose students don't.
The AAC&U refers to this journey and era as one of "achieving greater expectations." Reaching this new level of achievement and "new vision for learning" will require shared responsibility among universities, high schools, accrediting agencies, policymakers, business leaders, the media, the community, boards of trustees and college students and their parents.
The purpose of this article is to present one way that psychology instructors can allow their students to learn and practice important psychological principles while performing socially-beneficial work: by using students in advanced learning courses as operant trainers in animal shelters.
(7) Essentially, this means that learning should take place on a day-to-day basis and that the discourse among members of an organization is desirable and necessary because it improves the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities of the employees.
Learning is commonly performed with pre-prepared learning databases.
Its traditional paper-based correspondence courses still command a large slice of Japan's lifetime learning market, with over 250,000 annual users.
The 173% increase in the number of students with learning disabilities attending postsecondary institutions from 1989 to 1998 (Henderson, 1999) is attributed in part to that legislation (Flexer, Simmons, Luft, & Baer, 2005).
That environment must stress the importance of leadership, people, culture, process, learning, and enabling technology.

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