lean down

lean down

1. To bend lower or toward the ground. Someone pushed me while I was leaning down to pick up a piece of paper. I had to lean down to get through the tiny door.
2. To bend someone or something lower or toward the ground. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "lean" and "down." Would you mind leaning that lamp down so I can see what I'm working on? I had leaned the toddler down so he could reach the toy he had dropped on the ground.
See also: down, lean
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

lean down

to bend over. Lean down and tie your shoe before you trip. He leaned down and picked something up from the floor.
See also: down, lean
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
"Tell her, father," he said with horrid heartlessness, "always to have plenty of water in it, 'cos if I had to lean down too far I might fall in and be drownded."
3 Show him your hand gesture for "stay" and immediately lean down and place a treat on the floor between your dog's outstretched front legs, then stand straight again.
Geordie Ryan Porter then took to the stage and revealed the tattoo by pulling down his trousers, prompting Jeremy to lean down and put his face next to it.
(What the Makati Police did to captured drug suspects, including a woman who was forced to go naked and lean down, was utterly appalling.)
I lean down, give you a gentle kiss, I smile, it's great to wake up on days like this.
I lay still and let the dusk lean down to cover me instead.
"You have to lean down and talk into his good ear for him to understand you.
"Whoever took the small heartshaped plaque would have had to lean down, look at the photos of Jane on her grave and know it was a young vibrant woman who had died.
Lean down, lean down while the light's abducted, its last
You are meant to back up to the edge, lean down and jump off backwards.
We've worked on making the bear lean forward, growl, lean down, trying to make it more easy to handle."
And when I lean down in this warm room and cup the white flesh of your